ASTM C1774-13(2019) 发布历史 ASTM C1774-13(2019)由美国材料与试验协会 US-ASTM 发布于 2019-09-01。ASTM C1774-13(2019)在国际标准分类中归属于: 23.020.40 低温容器。ASTM C1774-13(2019) 低温绝缘系统热性能测试标准指南的最新版本是哪一版?
ASTM C1774-24 引用标准 ASTM C1029 ASTM C1045 ASTM C1058 ASTM C1482 ASTM C1484 ASTM C1594 ASTM C1667 ASTM C167 ASTM C168 ASTM C1728 ASTM C177 ASTM C335 ASTM C518 ASTM C520 ASTM C534 ASTM C549 ASTM C552 ASTM C578 ASTM C591 ASTM C680 ASTM C740 ASTM C870 ASTM E230 ASTM E408...
内容提示: Designation: C1774 − 13Standard Guide forThermal Performance Testing of Cryogenic InsulationSystems 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1774; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of...
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标准号:ASTMC1774-2013 中文标准名称:低温绝热系统热性能测试指南 英文标准名称:StandardGuideforThermalPerformanceTestingofCryogenicInsulationSystems 中国标准分类号:Q25 国际标准分类号:91.120.10 相关标准 《GB/T25000.51-2016Cl.5.3.11》系统与软件工程 系统与软件质量要求和评价(SQuaRE) 第51部分:就绪可用软件产品(...
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是一种较高级弹簧,用作较大截面的高负荷重要弹簧及工作温度<300℃的阀门弹簧、活塞弹簧、安全阀弹簧●化学成份:碳c :0.48~0.53硅si:0.15~0.35锰mn:0.70~0.90硫s :≤0.040磷p :≤0.035铬cr:0.80~1.10镍ni:≤0.35铜cu:≤0.25钒v :0.10~0.20●力学性能:抗拉强度 σb (mpa):≥1274(130)屈服强度 σs ...
序号编号4001ASTMC1677-20094002ASTMC1677-20114003ASTMC1677-2011a 4004ASTMC1678-2010 4005ASTMC1679-2009 4006ASTMC1679-2013 4007ASTMC1681-20094008ASTMC168-20104009ASTMC168-2013 4010ASTMC1682-2009 4011ASTMC1683-2008e1 4012ASTMC1683-2010 4013ASTMC1684-2008 4014ASTMC1684-2013 4015ASTMC1684-2013e1 401...
F1512-94(2011) Standard Practice for Ultrasonic C-Scan Bond Evaluation of Sputtering Target-Backing Plate Assemblies F1513-99(2011) Standard Specification for Pure Aluminum (Unalloyed) Source Material for Electronic Thin Film Applications F1514-03(2013) Standard Test Method for Measuring Heat Stability...
c +关注 yamzheng147 23-10-13 13:50 发布于 广东 来自 微博网页版 ASTM F 1774是美国材料与试验协会(American Society for Testing and Material)制定的标准,它主要评估和验证登山扣的性能和质量。该标准为登山扣的制造商和用户提供了统一的测试依据,确保登山扣的安全性和可靠性。ASTM F 1774标准适用于...