HISTORICAL EDITIONS: ASTM C1178/C1178M-18, ASTM C1178/C1178M-13, ASTM C1178/C1178M-11, ASTM C1178/C1178M-08, ASTM C1178/C1178M-06, ASTM C1178/C1178M-04e1, ASTM C1178/C1178M-04, ASTM C1178/C1178M-01, ASTM C1178/C1178M-99 ASTM F770-24 Standard Practice for Ownership, O...
ASTM A278/A278M - 01(2011) Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Pressure-Containing Parts for Temperatures Up to 650°F (350°C) - See all versionsASTM A283/A283M - 12a Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates - See all versionsASTM A...
Avnet Abacus ASTMHTA-24.000MHZ-XK-E-T Abracon Corporation High Temperature Programmable MEMS Oscillator 24MHz 2.25 to 3.63V �30ppm -40 to 125�C 2x1.6mm 4-Pin SMD 1000 Pcs T/R - Tape and Reel (Alt: ASTMHTA-24.000MHZ-XK-E-T)RoHS : Compliant 0 ASTMHTD-24.000MHZ-...
ASTM D905-98
(formerly specif i c gravity), n—ratio ofthe mass of a given volume of material at a stated temperatureto the mass of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at the1 This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E20 onTemperature Measurement and is the direct ...
參照每一個零件製 造後的成品尺寸材料等級熱浸鋅層重量零件全部鋅量mass,表面的oz/ft2g/m2,最小熱浸鋅塗層厚度,毫升mils微米,最小測試樣的平均單一測試樣測試樣的平均單一測試樣等級A_鑄造-可塑性鐵、鋼等級B_滾製、沖製及鍛造產品(可能含有等級C和D的除外)2.00 6101.80 5503.4 863.1 79B-1_厚度大於3/16 in...
(350°C) 低和中等抗拉强度碳素钢板 Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, 压力容器用低和中等抗拉强度的碳素钢板 Carbon Steel, Low- and Intermediate-Tensile Strength Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy ...
C and below 1800 F 982 C need not be heat treated provided they are cooled in still air If the manufacturer elects to heat treat such couplings it shall be by one of the procedures described in 6 3 6 1 3 Hot formed couplings fi nished at a temperature in excess of 1800 F 982 C...
G3500cExtra heavy duty service brake drums see Section 8 X1 7 Automotive Camshafts X1 7 1 Alloy gray iron automotive camshafts are also con sidered as special cases The chemical composition of such castings is usually within the range given in Table X1 3 but may be modifi ed by mutual ...