a● Targets setup for the employees ●瞄准设定为雇员[translate] aaggregates shall conform as close as practical to astm c-33 聚集体将一致一样紧密象实用与astm c-33[translate]
Designation: C 33 – 03Standard Specif i cation forConcrete Aggregates 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation C 33; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in ...
cation, as C 33___. 4.3.2 When the aggregate being described is ?ne aggregate: Whether the restriction on reactive materials in 7.3 applies, In the case of the sulfate soundness test (see 8.1) which salt is to be used. If none is stated, either sodium sulfate or ma...
An equation was also designed that predicts fine aggregate granulometry with a Maximum Aggregate Size (MAS) of 4.76 mm and meets the requirements of ASTM C-33.M. J. Pellegrini-CervantesG. M. Arizmendi-ValdezH. Cortez-RodriguezM. Chinchillas-ChinchillasA. Castro-BeltranF. J. Baldenebro-LopezH...
内容提示: Designation: C567/C567M – 11Standard Test Method forDetermining Density of Structural Lightweight Concrete 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation C567/C567M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of ...
该测试方法用于初步确定细骨料是否符合规范 C 33 中有关有机杂质的要求。该测试方法的主要价值是警告可能存在有害量的有机杂质。当经过此测试的样品产生比标准颜色更深的颜色时,建议根据测试方法 C 87 进行有机杂质对砂浆强度影响的测试。 1.1 本测试方法涵盖两个程序粗略
Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate 被代替 标准号 ASTM C88-05 2005年 总页数 5页 发布单位 美国材料与试验协会 替代标准 ASTM C88-13 当前最新 ASTM C88/C88M-24 适用范围 该测试方法提供了对用于混凝土和其他用途的骨料的健全性进行初步估计...
该测试方法用于确定是否符合规范 C 33 中有关细骨料和粗骨料中轻质材料含量的规定。使用比重为 2.0 的重液体来分离可归类为煤或褐煤的颗粒。较重的液体用于检查其他轻质颗粒的百分比,例如比重小于 2.40 的燧石和页岩。该测试方法可用于在研究活动或岩相分析中识别多孔骨料颗粒。1.1 本试验方法包括通过在适当比重的重...
bar method ASTM C 1260 is reliable for evaluating the effectiveness of supplementary cementing materials in suppressing expansion due to alkali-silica reaction... BERUBE,M. A. - 《Cement Concrete & Aggregate》 被引量: 71发表: 1995年 Use of the Accelerated Mortar Bar Test for Evaluating the Eff...
aASTM C 150 (2004a) Type V portland cement, ASTM C 618 (2004b) class F fly ash, and locally produced coarse and fine aggregates were used as the matrix constituents. The Type V Portland cement had a Blaine fineness of 423 m2=kg and the following percentages of the chemical ...