Designation: B94 − 13Standard Specif i cation forMagnesium-Alloy Die Castings 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B94; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in...
1.1 本规范涵盖镁合金压铸件。当前合金成分按表 1.2 中所示的名称进行规定。表 1 化学要求 A、B、C、D 合金成分,% 名称 B UNS 铝锰稀土锶锌铜,最大铁,最大硅镍 ASTM B94-13相似标准 QJ 1386.2B-2011金属材料复验规定 第2部分:有色金属ASTM B403-12镁合金熔模铸件的标准规格ASTM B94-04镁合金压模铸件...
Class 1DB8B94 B8MB95 B8PB96 B8LNB97 B8MLNB98 B8NB99 B8MNB100 B8RB101 B8SB102 B8CLNB103 B8ML4CuNB104 B8CLNCuBB105 Class 2B8B8SH B8CB8CSH B8PB8PSH B8TB8TSH B8TB8TSH B8NB8NSH B8MB8MSH B8MNB8YSH B8MLCuNB8JSH Class 2BB8M2B9G orB8M2 ...
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