内容提示: Designation: B93/B93M − 15Standard Specif i cation forMagnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand Castings,Permanent Mold Castings, and Die Castings 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B93/B93M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of...
32、.B935052ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such...
格式:PDF 页数:5 大小:66.86KB《ASTM B93 B93M-2015 Standard Specification for Magnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand Castings Permanent Mold Castings and Die Castings《砂模铸件 永久型模铸件和压铸件用镁合金锭的标准规格》.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM B93 B93M-2015 Standard Specificati...
B93/B93M-03 砂型铸件、永久型模铸件和压模铸件用镁合金锭MoldCastings,andDieCastings B94-94(2000)镁合金压铸件的技术规范StandardSpecificationforMagnesium-AlloyDieCastings 一般及压力容器用铜硅合金板、薄板、带材及轧制StandardSpecificationforCopper-SiliconAlloyPlate,Sheet,Strip,andRolledBarfor B96/B96M-01...
This standard is issued under thefixed designation B93/B93M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)...
点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 ASTM B94-13 2013年 总页数 6页 发布单位 美国材料与试验协会 替代标准 ASTM B94-18 当前最新 ASTM B94-18 引用标准 ASTM B557ASTM B660ASTM B93/B93MASTM B951ASTM B953ASTM B954ASTM E23ASTM E29ASTM E505ASTM E527ASTM E88MIL-STD-129SAE AMS-STD-184 ...
ASTM B93/B93M - 09 Standard Specification for Magnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand Castings, Permanent Mold Castings, and Die Castings - See all versionsASTM B94 - 07 Standard Specification for Magnesium-Alloy Die Castings - See all versionsASTM B96/B96M - 11 Standard Specification for ...
购买 正式版 其他标准 ASTM B93/B93M-15 砂模铸件、永久型模铸件和压铸件用镁合金锭的标准规范 专题 镁合金铸造砂孔规范要求 ASTM B26/B26M-11相似标准 ASTM B26/B26M-09铝合金砂模铸件标准规范ASTM B618/B618M-11铝合金熔模铸造的标准规范ASTM B26/B26M-14e1铝合金砂模铸件的标准规格ASTM B26/B26M...
B93 B93M 03 砂型铸件 永久型模铸件和压模铸件用镁合金锭 3 ASTM 标准号 中文名称 B94 94 2000 镁合金压铸件的技术规范 B96 B96M 01 一般及压力容器用铜硅合金板 薄板 带材及轧制棒材 B98 B98M 03 铜硅合金粗 细棒材和型材技术规范 B99 B99M 01 一般用途的铜硅合金线 B100 03a 桥梁和其它结构用...
(米制) 50ASTM B90/B90M-1993 镁合金薄板和厚板 50ASTM B91-1992 镁合金锻件 50ASTM B9-1990 青铜电车架空线 50ASTM B92/B92M-1989 重熔用镁锭及镁棒 50ASTM B93/B93M-1992 砂型铸件、永久型铸件及压铸件用镁合金锭 50ASTM B94-1992 镁合金压铸件 50ASTM B96-1992 一般用途及压力容器用的铜硅合金...