内容提示: Designation: B898 − 20Standard Specif i cation forReactive and Refractory Metal Clad Plate 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B898; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of...
ASTM B898-2020 活性難熔金屬復合板的技術規範 中文版¥120元 ASTM B912-2002(R2018) 使用電拋光來鈍化不鏽鋼的標準規範 中文版¥80元 ASTM B918-2017 變形鋁合金熱處理標準規程 中文版¥180元 ASTM B921-2008 鋁和鋁合金表面非六價鉻轉化膜 中文版¥50元 ASTM B926-2009 用針孔箱檢測...