ASTM B819-19 适用范围 1.1 本规范规定了适用于医用气体系统的两种壁厚表的要求,即经过特殊清洁的直段无缝铜管,称为 K 型和 L 型。管道的安装应符合美国消防协会 (NFPA) 标准 99、气体和真空系统 (NFPA) 标准 99C、低压设施标准 (NFPA) 标准 99B 和加拿大标准协会 (CSA) 标准的要求Z 305.1/Z 7396.1,...
ASTM B819-19 引用标准 ASTM B601ASTM B846ASTM B88ASTM E18ASTM E243ASTM E255ASTM E29ASTM E527ASTM E53ASTM E62ASTM E8/E8M 适用范围 1.1 本规范规定了适用于医用气体系统的两种壁厚表的要求,即经过特殊清洁的直段无缝铜管,称为 K 型和 L 型。管道的安装应符合美国消防协会 (NFPA) 标准 99、气体和真...
Copper Tube - Type K ASTM B819 Seamless Copper Tubes for Medical Gas Systems - Dimensions Type K Nominal SizeOutside Diameter (in)Inside Diameter (in)Wall Thickness (in)Internal Volume of Tube (ft3/ft) 1/40.3750.3050.0350.00051 3/80.5000.4020.0490.00088 ...
ACSR ASTMB 232 ACSR Aluminum Conductor, Steel Reinforced, Bare Conductor:- Aluminum alloy 1350-H19 wires concentrically stranded around a steel core - Core wire for ACSR is available with class A,B, or C stranding Insuluation:- None Jacket:- None Application Used as bare overhead transmission...
ASTM B819 Air Conditioning Copper Tube 7/8 50mm 16mm 15mm 10mm Copper Pipe for Connecting Product Description Item ASTM Brass Tube / Brass Pipe , Brass Pipe/Brass Tube Standard GB/T1527-2006,JIS H3300-2006,ASTM B75M,ASTMB42,ASTMB11...
ASTM B819-19 下载积分: 1250 内容提示: Designation: B819 − 19Standard Specif i cation forSeamless Copper Tube for Medical Gas Systems 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B819; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in ...
ASTM B819 Seamless Copper Tube for Medical Gas System 中文名称:医用天然气系统用无缝铜管 这是一份标准,不是具体材质牌号
ASTM B819 Degreased Copper Tubing Pancake Coil for Medical Gas 1. Production Specifications:Product Pictures: Product DescriptionDegreased copper tube is manufactured under EN 13348 standard. It is designed for use in medical gas pipeline system installations (medical gas supply...
degreased copper pipe for medical gas astm B819 type l copper tube 1. Production SpecificationsProduct Pictures Product DescriptionDegreased copper tube is manufactured under EN 13348 standard. It is designed for use in medical gas pipeline system installations (med...
ASTM B819-1992 醫用氣體裝置用無縫銅管 中文版 50元 ASTM B822-2017 金屬粉末和相關化合物粒度分布的標準試驗方法(光散射法) 中文版 80元 ASTM B824-1992 銅合金鑄件一般要求 中文版 50元 ASTM B829-2004a(R2009) 鎳和鎳合金無縫管(P)和管(T)通用要求的標準規範 中文版 90元 ...