Since 1948, APT provides barrel and rack electroless nickel plating services to MIL-C-26074, ASTM B733, AMS 2404 specifications.
B 733 – 97 7.3 Qualication Requirements—These requirements are placed on the deposit and process and are performed on specimens to qualify the deposit and plating process. The tests for these qualication requirements shall be performed monthly or more frequently. 7.3.1 Composition—Type II, III...
ASTM B733 标准 《ASTM B733 标准.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM B733 标准.pdf(13页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 Designation: B 733 97 Standard Specifi cation for Autocatalytic (Electroless) Nickel-Phosphorus Coatings on Metal 1 This standard is issued under the fi xed designation...
B 733 – 97 7.3 Quali?cation Requirements—These requirements are placed on the deposit and process and are performed on specimens to qualify the deposit and plating process. The tests for these quali?cation requirements shall be performed monthly or more frequently. 7.3.1 Composition—Type II, ...
MIL-DTL-24308Gw/AMENDMENT 212TABLE IV. Type III test voltage (Volts rms, 60 Hz). 1/AltitudeHumidityconditioned(see 4.5.15)All otherconditions 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向可控硅 和其他半导体的
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) astmb73397金属表面化学镀镍磷层规范标准.doc 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Designation: B 733 – 97 Standard Speci?cation for Autocatalytic (Electroless) Nickel-Phosphorus Coatings on Metal 1 This standard is issued under the ...
(2001) 机械弹簧用冷拉镀锌和按成品尺寸镀锌的碳素钢丝 A765/A765M-98a 具有强制性韧性要求的碳素钢及低合金钢压力容器部件锻件 A767/A767M-00b 钢筋混凝土用镀锌钢筋 A768-95 涡轮机转子及轴用经真空处理的含铬 12%的合金钢锻件 A769/A769M-00 电阻焊钢结构型材 A770/A770M-86(2001) 专用钢板通过厚度...
Designation: B 733 97 Standard Specifi cation for Autocatalytic (Electroless) Nickel-Phosphorus Coatings on Metal 1 This standard is issued under the fi xed designation B 733; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the...