4.1Tube shall be made from flat-rolled alloy by an auto-matic welding process with no addition or filler metal.Subse-quent to welding and prior to final annealing,the material shall be cold-worked in either the weld metal only or both weld and base metal.4.2Tube shall be ...
内容提示: Designation: B704 − 03 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Specif i cation forWelded UNS N06625, UNS N06219 and UNS N08825 AlloyTubes 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B704; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in...
ASTM F3125/F3125M-23 Standard Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts and Assemblies, Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, Inch Dimensions 120 ksi and 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, and Metric Dimensions 830 MPa and 1040 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength ASTM E1188-23 Standard Practice for...
ASTM E1955-2004 与分级的ASTM E390参考射线照相比对的钢焊接声音的标准射线照相检验 ASTM B704-03 焊接UNS N06625 UNS N06219和UNS N08825合金管的标准规格 ASTM E190-92(2003) 焊接延性引导弯曲试验的标准试验方法 ASTM E426-98(2003)e1 奥氏体不锈钢和类似合金无缝和焊接管产品的电磁(涡流)检验的标准实施规程...
B701M 00 同芯绞捻自阻钢芯加强铝导线 ACSR SD B702 93 2004 铜钨电触点材料 B703 94 1999 e1 用阿诺德仪表测定金属粉末表观密度的试验方法 B704 03 焊接 UNS NO6625 和 UNS NO8825 合金管 B705 03 镍合金焊接管 B706 00 无缝铜合金管材规范 UNS No C69100 B708 01 钽和钽合金板 薄板和带材 B...
40、M B704-1991 合金 UNS N06625 和 UNS N08825 非标准尺寸焊管50ASTM B705-1982(1990) 镍合金(UNS N06625 和 N08825)标准尺寸焊管50ASTM B706-1988 铜合金(UNS号 C69100)无缝管 50ASTM B707M-1988 无缝铜水管 (特殊用途 )(米制)5050ASTM B708-1992 钽和钽合金中厚板、薄板和带材ASTM B709-1993铁...
ASTM B704-1991 合金UNS N06625和UNS N08825非标准尺寸焊管 中文版十年标准规范翻译专业资料翻译经验,质量保证。了解详情请致电咨询:010-61217445,QQ/微信:1092830988,E-mail:1092830988@qq.com商品编号:ASTMB495 货号:ASTMB495 计量单位:Word/PDF销售价: ¥50.00 ...
本专题涉及astm b-23的标准有136条。 国际标准分类中,astm b-23涉及到有色金属、管道部件和管道、粒度分析、筛分、表面处理和镀涂、有色金属产品、词汇、焊接、钎焊和低温焊、电线和电缆、粉末冶金、货物调运、体积、质量、密度和粘度的测量、金属材料试验、电工器件、燃料、消防、土方工程、挖掘、地基构造、地下工...
andUNS N08926 Welded TubeB676 Specif i cation for UNS N08367 Welded TubeB704 Specif i cation for Welded Nickel Alloy TubesB726 Specif i cation for Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Cobalt-Tungsten-Iron-Silicon Alloy (UNS N06333)Welded TubeB730 Specif i cation for Welded Nickel (UNS N02200/UNSN02...
(2024) UNS N08367焊接管的标准规范 ASTM B445-87 数字存储媒体的压缩编码 ASTM B704-23 焊接镍合金管的标准规范 ASTM B705-24 镍铬钼铌合金、镍铬钼硅合金和镍铁铬钼铜合金焊管的标准规范 ASTM B729-20 无缝镍铁铬钼铜镍合金管规范 ASTM B573-24 镍钼-铬 铁合金棒材或棒材的标准规范 ASTM B535-06(...