Current edition approved May 1,2010.Published May 2010.Originally approved in 1959.Last previous edition approved in 2009as B348–09.DOI:10.1520/B0348-10.2 For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cation SB-348in Section II of that Code.1 *A Summary of ...
Designation: B348/B348M − 21Standard Specif i cation forTitanium and Titanium Alloy Bars and Billets 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B348/B348M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the...
ASTM B348/B348M-21的历代版本如下: 2021年 ASTM B348/B348M-21 钛和钛合金棒材和坯料的标准规范 2019年 ASTM B348/B348M-19 钛及钛合金棒材和坯料的标准规范 2013年 ASTM B348-13 钛及钛合金棒和坯锭的标准规格 2011年 ASTM B348-11 钛及钛合金棒和坯锭的标准规范 2010年 ASTM B348-10 钛及钛...
ASTM B348/B348M-21 引用标准 ASTM E1409 ASTM E1447 ASTM E1941 ASTM E2371 ASTM E2626 ASTM E29 ASTM E2994 ASTM E539 ASTM E8/E8M 适用范围 1.1 本规范 2 涵盖如下退火钛及钛合金棒材和坯料:1.1.1 1 级— UNS R50250。非合金钛,1.1.2 2 级— UNS R50400。非合金钛, 2H 级— ...
N066003.633Ni - 42Fe - 21Cr2 - 3.6B 564 Gr. N08800B 409 Gr. N088003.7 65Ni - 28Mo - 2Fe 2 - 3.7B 564 Gr. N10665B 333 Gr. N1066554Ni - 16Mo - 15Cr 2 - 3.8 B 564 Gr. N10276B 575 Gr. N1027660Ni - 22Cr - 9Mo - 3.5CbB 564 Gr. N06625B 443 Gr. N0662562Ni ...
Ti-Pd ASTM B265 / B348 Grade 7 50 40 20 30 TiCode 12 ASTM B265 / B348 Grade 12 70 50 18 25 product application Aerospace Applications Due to their high tensile strength to density ratio, high corrosion resistance, and ability...
ASTM B232 Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) Code Size Section Stranding Diameter Total Weight Rated Strength Maximum Resistance20ºC Al Total Al Steel Cable Steel AWG or MCM mm2 mm mm kg/km kg Ω/km *Wren 8 8.37 9.81 6x1.33 1x1.33 3.99 1.33 33.8 340 3....
规范ASTM B1009-20 土木结构中近表面安装用钛合金棒的标准规范ASTM B977/B977M-19 钛和钛合金锭的标准规范ASTM B862-19 钛和钛合金焊接管的标准规范ASTM B861-19 钛及钛合金无缝管标准规范ASTM B348/B348M-19 钛及钛合金棒材和坯料的标准规范ASTM B863-19 钛和钛合金丝的标准规范ASTM B348/B348M-21 ...
宝鸡市荣豪钛业有限公司21年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 陕西 宝鸡市 ¥86.00 钛合金棒用、民用、用GB/ASTMB348/AMS 4928/ASTMF67/F136 东莞市联申金属材料有限公司5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 东莞市 ¥332.50成交2千克 钛丝牙科用钛合金丝ASTMF67/F136/Ti6Al4V ELI/GR23 ...
348 348H 384 405 409 429 430 430F 430FSe 434 436 442 446 403 410 414 416 416Se 420 420F 422 431 440A 440B 440C 501 501A 501B 502 503 504 PH13-8Mo 15-5PH 17-4PH 17-7PH S31620 S31609 S31603 S31653 S31651 S31700 S31703 S32100 S32109 S32900 N08330 S34700 S34709 S34800...