ASTM International, has recently published two new standards for additive manufacturing (AM) in collaboration with its AM committee (F42). The first standard (F3571) provides guidelines for metal powder feedstock quality control and assessment. The guide aims to help manufacturers measure the quali...
Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is increasingly being used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical devices to produce lower-cost, more effective components. Just as there are ASTM standards for traditional manufacturing processes, standards have been, and continue to...
and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee F42.04 on Design and is also under the jurisdiction of ISO/TC 261,Additive manufacturing, on the basis of a partnership agreement between ISO andASTM International with the aim to create a common set of ISO/ASTM standardson additive manufacturing. ...
标准化领域的两大权威组织——国际标准化组织(ISO)和ASTM International共同携手,制订了《增材制造标准发展架构(Additive Manufacturing Standards Development Structure)》,这份文件将为增村制造和3D打印技术标准的制订提供一个全面和及时的框架.据称,这个新架构将为全世界的行业专家与标准制订组织指明一个方向,以及避免...
为此,标准化领域的两大权威组织——国际标准化组织(ISO)和ASTM International共同携手,制订了《增材制造标准发展架构(Additive Manufacturing Standards Development Structure)》,这份文件将为增材制造和3D打印技术标准的制订提供一个全面和及时的框架。 据称,这个新架构将为全世界的行业专家与标准制订组织指明一个方向,...
东盟增材制造标准战略指导文件SOW4.8 ASEAN AM Standards Strategic Guidance Final Report.pdf 下载地址 作为世界上发展最快的地区之一,东南亚已准备好利用新技术来支持经济和人类发展。随着像增材制造这样的新制造技术继续快速发展,东南亚国家的潜在利益可能无法估量...
为此,标准化领域的两大权威组织——国际标准化组织(ISO)和ASTM International共同携手,制订了《增材制造标准发展架构(Additive Manufacturing Standards Development Structure)》,这份文件将为增材制造和3D打印技术标准的制订提供一个全面和及时的框架。 据称,这个新架构将为全世界的行业专家与标准制订组织指明一个方向,...
Additive manufacturing—Generalpriniciples—Part 2: Overview of process categories andfeedstock2.2 ISO/ASTM Standards: 3,4ISO/ASTM 52915 Standard specif i cation for additive manu-facturing f i le format (AMF)ISO/ASTM 52921 Terminology for AdditiveManufacturing—Coordinate Systems and Test Method-...
BSI Standards PublicationBS ISO/ASTM 52900:2015Additive manufacturing— General principles —TerminologyBritish Standards InstitutionProvided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Licensee=ZHEJIANG INST OF STANDARDIZATION 5956617Not for Resale, 2016/5/10 08:32:46 No reproduction or networking ...
“The efforts of the Additive Manufacturing Certification Committee stand to benefit our industry. The AMCC provides a great platform for end users across multiple sectors to collaboratively address common qualification challenges in additive manufacturing,” said Joseph Murphy, Associate Fellow, Lockheed Ma...