ASTM A743标准分为几个不同的等级,每个等级适用于不同的应用场景和特定材料要求。这些等级包括CF3、CF3M、CF8、CF8M等。每个等级都有其独特的化学成分要求和机械性能要求。 ASTM A743标准的材料通常用于制造化工设备、食品加工设备、海洋设备、泵和阀门等需要耐腐蚀性能和高温性能的应用。 需要注意的是,ASTM A743...
是316L,CF3M对应316L,后面的字母是钢材交货状态(热处理工艺)N:正火 ASTM A743-2017一般用耐腐蚀铬铁及镍铬铁合金铸件,对应中国材质:316L
S14.1 Brinell tests on non-austenitic grades shall be conducted. Grades CA15, CA15M, CB30, and CC50 shall have a Brinell hardness of 241 HB maximum. Grade CA6NM shall5Grade CA6N CA6NM CA15 and CA15M CA28MWVC CA40 CA40F CB6 CB30 CC50 CE30 CF3 CF3M CF3MN CF8 CF8C ...
ASTM A743-2013一般用途铁铬-铁铬镍耐腐蚀铸件.pdf,Designation: A743/A743M − 13a´1 Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application1 This standard is issued under the fixed desi
牌号 A743 CF10SMnN 美国UNS J92972 其他名称 17Cr-8.4Ni-N 牌号 A743 CF16F 美国UNS J92701 其他名称 19Cr-9Ni 牌号 A743 CF16Fa 其他名称 19Cr-9Ni 牌号 A743 CF20 美国UNS J92602 其他名称 19Cr-9Ni 牌号 A743 CF3 美国UNS J92500 其他名称 19Cr-9Ni 牌号 A743 CF3M 美国UNS J92800...
Intergranular corrosion tests on stabilized or 0.03 % carbon maximum grades (CF3, CF3M, CF8C, and CG3M) shall be made on sensitized specimens. On all other grades of chromium-nickel steels, intergranular corrosion tests shall be made on specimens representative of the as-shipped condition. S12...
A 262 or as agreed upon with the purchaser Intergranular corrosion tests on stabilized or 0 03 carbon maximum grades CF3 CF3M CF8C and CG3M shall be made on sensitized specimens On all other grades of chromium nickel steels intergranular corrosion tests shall be made on specimens representative...
ASTM A 743-2013 一般用耐腐蚀铬铁及镍铬铁合金铸件
不锈耐酸钢铸钢主要是采用ASTM A743或ASTM A744标准中CF8、CF8M、CF3、CF3M、CF8C、CD-4MCu和CN7M等,其对应的轧材分别为ASTM A182标准中的F304、F316、F304L、F316L、F347、F53及美国UNS N08020。⑴ Cr-Ni不锈钢 Cr-Ni类不锈耐酸钢有CF8、CF3、F304、F304L、CF8C和F347,其适用于...
xed designation A743/A743M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (′) indicates an editorial change ...