Table 1:Chemical properties of ASTM A743 CA6NM a alloy steel [6] E(GPa) Sy (MPa) Srt (MPa) Hardness (HB) 198(4 575)35 918,1 273.0,7.0 Table 2:Mechanical properties of ASTM A743 CA6NM alloy steel 37B Lobato da Silva e
ZG0Cr13Ni4Mo,是水电钢中的一种牌号 这材料属于马氏体不锈钢,可以用锻造工艺去锻造。CA6NM属于美标马氏体不锈钢铸件,执行标准:ASTM A743/A743M-2018 CA6NM化学成分如下图:CA6NM是一种典型的超马氏体不锈钢。“超级马氏体不锈钢”是通过马氏体不锈钢冶炼工艺改进的,减少了碳含量,加入了Ni ...
ASTM A743-2013一般用途铁铬-铁铬镍耐腐蚀铸件.pdf,Designation: A743/A743M − 13a´1 Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application1 This standard is issued under the fixed desi
CA6NM J91540 12 Chromium 0 061 001 000 040 0311 5 14 03 5 0 40 1 0 4 Nickel4 5 CA6N11 Chromium 0 060 501 000 020 0210 5 12 56 0 7 Nickel8 0 A 743 A 743M 03 3 TABLE 2Continued Grade UNS Type Composition Carbon max Man ganese max Silicon max Phospho rus max Sulfur max...
ASTM A743 GRADE CA6NM对应国内的什么钢材牌号是:06Cr12Ni4 CA6NM属于马氏体不锈钢,又称水电钢。在淬火和回火条件下添加了钼,可防锈。 由于其良好的韧性,它可在-60°C至+ 300°C的温度范围内使用。CA6NM化学成分:
We are professionalASTM A743 CA-6NM AISI CA6NM Grade Gr CA6NM forged forging steel guide vane wicket gates blades for francis hydro power turbine hydraulic water turbine generator from china Wicket gate plays an important role in hydropower plants. Wicket gate increases turbine revolution and aft...
High-cycle notch sensitivity of alloy steel ASTM A743 CA6NM… 热度: EN755-2(力学性能) 热度: 25CommerceRoad,Orillia,Ontario,CanadaL3V6L6 Phone(705)325-2781Fax(705)325-5887 ALLOYDATASHEETCORROSIONRESISTANTALLOY CB-30REVISION:09/95 DESCRIPTION ...
ASTM A743 CA6NMThe presence of notches and other stress concentrations in turbine blades and other notch hydraulic components is a current problem in engineering. It causes a reduction of endurance limit of material. In that sense, specimens of the ASTM A743 CA6NM alloy steel using in ...
nished surface of a machined casting. Heat treatment, other than tempering, of grades CA6NM, CA15, CA15M, CB6, and CA40 after weld repairing shall be performed only when agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Weld repair on Grade CA40F is not recommended because of the ...