559、ASTM F2779-24 Standard Practice for Commercial Radial Truck-Bus Tires to Establish Equivalent Test Severity Between a 1.707-m (67.23-in.) Diameter Roadwheel and a Flat Surface 560、ASTM F1001-24 Standard Guide for Selection of Chemicals to Evaluate Protective Clothing Materials 561、ASTM F2...
E592-15 Standard Guide to Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity for Radiography of Steel Plates 14 to 2 in. (6 to 51 mm) Thick with X-Rays and 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) Thick with Cobalt-60 E650/E650M-17 Standard Guide for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic Emission Sensors...
ASTM E1543 - 00(2011) Standard Test Method for Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference of Thermal Imaging Systems - See all versionsASTM E1545 - 11 Standard Test Method for Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperature by Thermomechanical Analysis - See all versionsASTM E1546 - 09a Standard ...
S1.1 The material described in this section is intended for welding. This supplemental section, by chemical composition restrictions and by a carbon equivalent formula, helps to provide assurance of weldability. S1 Supplement: Weldable Grade 55 Chemical Composition ElementHeat AnalysisProduct Analysis Car...
E1543-14(2022) Standard Practice for Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference of Thermal Imaging Systems E155-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings E1570-19 Standard Practice for Fan Beam Computed Tomographic (CT) Examination E1571-21 Standard Practice fo...
ASTM E 592-1999用X射线法作1/4至2英寸(6-51mm)厚钢板的射线照相及用钴-60作1至6英寸(25-152mm)厚钢板的射线照相以获得ASTM等效穿透计敏感性的指南Guide to Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity for Radiography of Steel Plates 1/4 to 2 in. (6 to 51 mm) Thick with X Rays and ...
S1.1The material described in this section is intended for welding. This supplemental section, by chemical composition restrictions and by a carbon equivalent formula, helps to provide assurance of weldability. S1 Supplement: Weldable Grade 55 Chemical Composition ...
ISO 1133 and ASTM D1238 have more similarities than differences. Manufacturers consider these standards “technically equivalent,” as both detail similar standards for using an extrusion plastometer, which is commonly known as a melt indexer. Both standards present tests that measure one point on th...
3.1.16 insulator—any part of an aerial device such as, but not limited to, the upper boom, lower boom or supporting structure, made of a material having a high dielectric strength, usually FRP or the equivalent. 3.1.17 noise—any undesired signal that tends to interfere with the normal ...
2.3American Institute of Steel Construction Manual: AISC Wire and Sheet Metal Gages—Equivalent Thickness in Decimals of an Inch,U.S.Standard Gage(USSG)for Uncoated Hot and Cold Rolled Sheets5 3.Terminology 3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1mess table—a dining ...