Designation: A564/A564M − 19aStandard Specif i cation forHot-Rolled and Cold-Finished Age-Hardening Stainless SteelBars and Shapes 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A564/A564M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in...
Designation: A564/A564M − 19aStandard Specif i cation forHot-Rolled and Cold-Finished Age-Hardening Stainless SteelBars and Shapes 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A564/A564M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in...
ASTM A564/A564M-19a 引用标准 ASTM A314ASTM A370ASTM A484/A484MASTM A705/A705MASTM A751ASTM E527SAE J1086 适用范围 1.1 本规范2涵盖时效硬化不锈钢棒材和型材。包括热加工或冷加工的圆形、方形、六角形、棒形、角钢、三通和槽钢;这些形状可以通过热轧、挤压或锻造来生产。可购买符合此规格的用于重锻的...
ASTM A564/A564M-19a 引用标准 ASTM A314ASTM A370ASTM A484/A484MASTM A705/A705MASTM A751ASTM E527SAE J1086 适用范围 1.1 本规范2涵盖时效硬化不锈钢棒材和型材。包括热加工或冷加工的圆形、方形、六角形、棒形、角钢、三通和槽钢;这些形状可以通过热轧、挤压或锻造来生产。可购买符合此规格的用于重锻的...
A479 Type347 JIS ASTM SUS316A479 Type316SUS14A A351 CF8M SUS403A479 Type403SUS440B A276 Type440B SUS440C A276 Type440C SUH616A565 Gr. 616SUSF6NM A182 F6MN SCS6A487 CA6NM SUS630A564 Type630SCS24 A747 CB7CU-1 日本JIS 与美国ASTM 标准 钢号对照表 阀体和阀盖材质:3.5%-Ni钢...
ASTM A564/A564M-19a 购买 正式版1.1 本规范涵盖时效硬化不锈钢棒材和型材。包括热加工或冷加工的圆形、方形、六角形、棒形、角钢、三通和槽钢;这些形状可以通过热轧、挤压或锻造来生产。可购买符合此规格的用于重锻的钢坯或棒材。 1.2 这些钢一般用于在室温下或温度高达600176;F[315176;C];要求耐腐蚀和高强度的...
ASTM F1360-24 微波炉、电烤箱的标准规范 (2024-2-1) ASTM F3502-24 屏障面罩的标准规范 (2024-2-1) ASTM F1045-24 冰球头盔的标准性能规范 (2024-12-13) ASTM F1447-24 recreational 滑板或旱冰使用的娱乐自行车头盔规范 (2024-12-13) ASTM F564-24 金属骨钉的标准规格和试验方法 (2024-12-01) ...
Ultrasonic as per ASTM A578/578M Level A / Level B Mill certificate acc. to EN 10204 3.1 / EN 10204 3.2 with IBR Form IV We mainly stock the Plates of following make : Azovstal Iron & Steel - Ukraine Alchevsk Iron & Steel - Ukraine Ilyich Iron & Steel - Ukraine ArcelorMit...
1、 ASTM D5096-24 Standard Test Method for Determining the Performance of a Cup Anemometer or Propeller Anemometer 2、 ASTM E2254-24 Standard Test Method for Storage Modulus Calibration of Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers 3、 ASTM A416/A416M-24 Standard Specification for Low-Relaxation, Seven-Wire St...
ASTM D6775-13(2024) 信息技术 多媒体应用程序格式(MPEG-A) 第3部分:MPEG照片播放器应用程序格式 修改件2:照片播放器应用程序格式的一致性测试 (2024-01-17) ASTM D6859-18(2024) 信息技术 视听对象编码 第5部分:参考软件 修改件10:SSC、DST、ALS 和 SLS 参考软件 (2024-01-17) ASTM D7267-19a(2024)...