A563M Class 10 牌号A563M Class 10 对应标准ASTM A563M-2007(R2013) 米制碳钢和合金钢螺母标准规范 Carbon and alloy steel nuts (Metric) 归类碳钢 A563M Class 10 化学元素成分含量(%) 成分CMnPS heat Analysis最小值-0.3-- 最大值0.55-0.040.05...
A563M Class 10S3 牌号A563M Class 10S3 对应标准ASTM A563M-2007(R2013) 米制碳钢和合金钢螺母标准规范 Carbon and alloy steel nuts (Metric) 归类合金钢 A563M Class 10S3 化学元素成分含量(%) 成分CMnPSCrNiCuMo heat Analysis最小值0.20.4--
CLASS 5, 10, 8s, 10s MATERIAL Medium carbon steel PACKING bulk/ boxes in cartons, bulk in polybags/ buckets, etc. PALLET solid wood pallet, plywood pallet, ton box/bag, etc. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ISO898.2 Dimensions: A563M Unit:mm d Thread S E M max min max min max min...
HeavyHexagonNutsASTMA563M Thread NutDia and Thread Pitch FGHDwC Total Runout of Bearing Surface FIM Width Across Flats Width Across Corners Thickness Bearing Face Dia Washer Face Thickness MaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMinMaxMinMax M12x1.752120.1624.2522.7812.311.919. ...
ASTM A563M-2003 碳合金钢螺母 下载积分: 900 内容提示: Designation: A 563M – 03METRICStandard Specification forCarbon and Alloy Steel Nuts [Metric]1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 563M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption ...
ASTM A563M. 4. Nuts of Property Class 8S are used with bolts of ASTM A325M - Type 1 (uncoated). Nuts of Property Class 10S are used with bolts of ASTM A325M - Type 1(Zinc- coated) (in general nuts of a...
ange nuts, Class 10, ASTM A 563M–XX. 4. Materials and Manufacture 4.1 Steel for nuts shall be made by the open-hearth, basicoxygen, or electric-furnace process. 4.2 Nuts may be made cold or hot by forming, pressing, or punching, or may be machined from bar stock. 4.3 Classes 10,...
Designation: A563M − 07 (Reapproved 2013)Standard Specification forCarbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Metric) 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A563M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of...
ASTM A563/A563M-24 适用范围 1.1 本规范涵盖了螺栓、螺柱和其他外螺纹零件上一般结构和机械用途的六角和六角法兰碳钢和合金钢螺母的八个性能等级的化学和机械要求。注 18212;在本规范中,术语“类别”表示属性类别。注 28212;对 5、9、10 和 12 四个类别的要求与 ISO 898/II 中为这些类别给出的要求基本相同...
米制碳鋼和合金鋼螺母标準規範 ASTM A563M - 2007 (R2013) 牌号化學成分(質量分數%) 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 牌号 我要留言我要糾錯我要投訴 © 易緊通服務熱線:4006-164580(免長途費)