ASTM A536等级60-40-18是一种广泛应用的铸铁材料,它在铸铁生产领域具有广泛的可生产性。这种材料的性能与中国的GB标准QT400-18,德国的GGG40,以及国际标准ISO400-18相当,属于基础且常见的材料类型。然而,其中的关键参数是延伸率18%,这是需要特别关注的部分。这个特性在生产过程中可能会带来挑战,容...
Ductile iron, depending on grade, offers different properties.A536 Grade 60-40-18, for example, possesses maximum ductility, excellent machinability and low temperature toughness.A536 Grade 120-90-02, on the other hand, possesses very high strength and wear resistance (though not as wear resistant...
牌号:ASTM-A536-60-40-18铸铁 类型:球墨铸铁 断口颜色:灰铸铁 化学成分:非合金铸铁 产地:进口 碳含量:20% 硅含量:10% 磷含量:20% 硫含量:10% 供应商信息 公司地址深圳市福田区华强北街道华强北路赛格广场3107B统一社会信用代码91440300064996206R 组织机构代码06499620-6注册资本50万人民币 ...
牌号 材质 材料 料号 钢号 :60-40-18 65-45-12 80-55-10 100-70-03 120-90-02球墨铸铁 铸钢 标准: 美标 ASTM A536 A536M -99 成分:以茂腾的材质书为准 现货规格: 棒材 板材 60-40-18 65-45-12带料 带钢 铁料 冷轧板 冷板 热轧板 热板 铸钢 钢线 线材 60-40-18 65-45-12铁线 盘线盘圆 ...
这是美标球墨铸铁,一般的铸铁厂都可以生产的,和我们GB的QT400-18、德标的GGG40、ISO400-18基本等同,很普通的。只是需要注意延伸率18,这个比较重要,生产时也容易出问题。A536是指标准:ASTM A536 球墨铸铁 牌号:60-40-18
Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Grade 60-40-18 Posted by Penticton Foundry on November 28, 2017 Related Standards-SAE J434C D4512; ISO 1083ASTM A536 60-40-18 is a nodular Iron with a mostly ferritic microstructure and mechanical properties comparable to low alloy steels. Ductile iron 60-40-18 is...
品牌/型号:ASTM-A536-60-40-18 球墨铸铁QT400-18 QT400-15 QT450-10 QT500-7 QT600-3 QT700-2 QT800-2 QT900-2 ISO1083-400-18 ISO1083-400-15 ISO1083-450-10 ISO1083-500-7 ISO1083-600-3 ISO1083-700-2 ISO1083-800-2 ISO1083-900-2 ASTM-A536-60-40-18 ASTM-A536-60-42-10 ASTM...
5.1The60-40-18grade will normally require a full ferritiz-ing anneal.The120-90-02and the100-70-03grades generally require a quench and temper or a normalize and temper,or an isothermal heat treatment.The other two grades can be met either as-cast or by heat treatment.Ductile iron,which...
5.1The60-40-18grade will normally require a full ferritiz-ing anneal.The120-90-02and the100-70-03grades generally require a quench and temper or a normalize and temper,or an isothermal heat treatment.The other two grades can be met either as-cast or by heat treatment.Ductile iron,which...
E4132棒材 、37SiMn2MoV棒料、Q295NH光圆棒、V250-35A光亮棒、4Cr5W2VSi光圆、12CrMo195锻打件、040A04锻件、astm-A536/60-40-18铸造件、0Cr13Ni6Mo2R铸件、SA-210C锅炉板方钢、STS304TKC四方棒、 TS 21 CrMoV 5-11 TS 21 CrMoV 5-7 TS 22 CrMo 4-4型材、SF18T型钢、X6CrNiTi18-10六角...