求助:ASTM A522 typeI 与国内什么材质相同? 目前可以查到其含Ni量为9%显示全部相当于国标钢号 1ni9...
Designation: A522/A522M − 14Standard Specif i cation forForged or Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges,Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low-Temperature Service 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A522/A522M; the number immediately following the designation ...
国际标准分类中,astm a522涉及到管道部件和管道。在中国标准分类中,astm a522涉及到管路附件。美国材料与试验协会,关于astm a522的标准ASTM A522/A522M-06 低温设备用锻制或轧制8%和9%镍合金钢法兰、阀门配件和零件的标准规范 ASTM A522/A522M-13 低温环境用锻造或轧制8-9%镍合金钢法兰、配件和部件的标准...
ASTM A522/A522M-22 适用范围 1.1 本规范2涵盖8%和98201;%镍合金钢锻造或轧制法兰、配件、阀门和用于低温工作的焊接压力容器的零件。该规范适用于双重正火和回火条件下最大截面厚度为 3 英寸 [75 毫米] 和淬火和回火条件下最大截面厚度为 5 英寸 [125 毫米] 的锻件。本规范下的锻件适用于 I 型或不低于...
ASTM A522相当于国标1Ni9钢号 依据JB/T6443-2002石油、化学和气体工业用离心压缩机中的表 相当
Designation: A522/A522M − 14Standard Specif i cation forForged or Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges,Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low-Temperature Service 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A522/A522M; the number immediately following the designation indicate...
ASTM A522/A522M-2014 中文名称:低温工作用锻制或轧制含镍8%和9%的合金钢法兰、配件、阀门和零件的规格 英文名称:Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low-Temperature Service ...
Punched washers, Type B, for round and cheese head screws AN 960 - 1992 Washer, Flat ANSI B 18.22M - 1981 (R2010) Metric Plain Washers (General Purpose) ANSI B 18.22.1 - 1965 (R1998) Preferred Sizes of Type A Plain Washers [Table 1A] (ASTM A325 / ANSI 1060) ...
Hardened and Tempered Washers for High Strength Structural Bolts and Nuts - Plain Hole Circular Washers, Type A 92 [印标] IS 5370 - 1969外径 ≈ 3 × 内径的平垫圈规格 specification for plain washers with outside diameter ≈ 3 × inside diameter ...