A516 Grade 55 其他名称 A516M Grade 380 对应标准 ASTM A516/A516M-2017 中低温用碳钢压力容器板 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate- and Lower-Temperature Service 归类 碳钢A516 Grade 55 化学元素成分含量(%) 成分C ① Si Mn ① P S t≤12.5mm 最小值 - 0.15 0.6 - - 最大...
ASTM A516 A516M GRADE 55 60 65 70 N(HIC) ASTM/A516/A516M棒料 钢板 铁板 铁棒 板材 棒料 光棒 氮化钢 铸铁 铸钢 铸铁 ASTM A516 A516M GRADE 55 60 65 70 N(HIC) ASTM/A516/A516M厂家 锻打 锻件 方钢 方棒 六角棒 对应国内 国产代替 ASTM A516 A516M GRADE 55 60 65 70 N(HIC) ASTM/A51...
ASTM A516锅炉容器板适用于对缺口韧性有较高要求的焊接压力容器。ASTM A516锅炉容器板亦是碳素钢板,分四个强度级别:55级,60级,65级,70级。 ASTM A516锅炉容器板应为镇静钢,并应符合ASTM A20/A20M标准细奥氏体晶粒度的要求。ASTM A516锅炉容器板的厚度仅受化学成分满足规定力学性能要求的能力限制。但通常将55级钢...
ASTM A516 Grade 55 A516 Grade 55化学元素成分含量(%) 成分 C① Si Mn① P S t≤12.5mm 最小值 - 0.15 0.6 - - 最大值 0.18 0.4 0.9 0.025 0.025 成分 C① Si Mn① P S 12.5mm<t≤50mm 最小值 - 0.15 0.6 - - 最大值 0.2
钢号: 模具钢 ASTM A516 A516M GRADE 55 60 65 70 N(HIC) GR.55 GR.60 GR.65 GR.70 标准:ASTM A-516 A-516M 化学成分:(以茂腾的材质书为准) ASTM/A516/A516M钢号 带材 卷料 带料 带钢 铁料 冷轧板 冷板 热轧板 ASTM A516 A516M GRADE 55 60 65 70 N(HIC) ...
Scope*1.1 This specification2covers carbon steel plates intendedprimarily for service in welded pressure vessels where im-proved notch toughness is important.1.2 Plates under this specification are available in fourgrades having different strength levels as follows:Grade U.S. [SI]Tensile Strength,ksi ...
Steel Plate A516Gr70 1 Grade: A516Gr70 2 T: 6-700mm; Length: 3000-12000mm; W: 1500-4000mm; 3 Delivery time: Average Period in 30 days USE: Used to produce all kinds of steel rivet, plugs, welding structure. SIZE: Width: 1...
Grade 55 30 (205) 以上 55~75 (380~515) GL=8(200)GL=2(50)23以上27以上t≦12.70 0.21以下 12.7<t≦50.8 50.8<t≦101.6 t≦12.70 12.7<t≦50.8 50.8<t≦101.6 t≦12.70 12.7<t≦50.8 50.8<t≦101.6 0.23以下 0.25以下 0.24以下 0.26以下 0.28以下 0.27以下 0.28以下 0.30以下 Grade 60 32 (220...
Designation: A516/A516M − 17 Used in USDOE-NE StandardsStandard Specif i cation forPressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate- andLower-Temperature Service 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A516/A516M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the ...
GradeGauge (Inches)Width (Inches)Length (Inches) A516 / SA5160.187596240/480 A516 / SA5160.250096/120240/480 A516 / SA5160.312596/120240/480 A516 / SA5160.375096/120240/480 A516 / SA5160.500096/120240/480 A516 / SA5160.625096/120240/480