标准:美国ASTM标准(ASTM A36/A36M),属于美标普碳钢板,相当于国内的Q235。名称:ASTM A36类型:美标碳素结构钢执行标准:ASTM A36/A36M(也可能执行ASME标准生产)交货状态:通常以热轧状态交货 二、ASTM A36钢板的化学成分 ASTM A36钢板的化学成分严格按照美国ASTM标准的规定,主要包括以下元素:碳(C):≤0.25...
ASTM A36钢板的硬度值因生产工艺和热处理状态的不同而有所变化。一般来说,未经热处理的A36钢板硬度适中,适合大多数结构应用。 6.韧性(Ductility): 韧性是材料在受力时能够吸收能量的能力。ASTM A36钢板具有良好的韧性,能够在受力时发生塑性变形而不立即断裂,从而提高了结构的安全性和可靠性。 需要注意的是,ASTM A...
ASTM A36标准对材料的力学性能也有明确的要求。以下是一般情况下ASTM A36材料的力学性能指标: 抗拉强度(Tensile Strength):≥50,000 psi(磅/平方英寸) 屈服强度(Yield Strength):≥25,000 psi(磅/平方英寸) 伸长率(Elongation):≥22% 这些力学性能指标可以用来评估材料在不同环境和使用条件下的承载能力和耐久性。
ASTM A36 (结构碳钢的标准规范)
astm a36 (结构碳钢的标准规范) 下载积分: 900 内容提示: Designation: A 36/A 36M – 00aStandard Specification forCarbon Structural Steel1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 36/A 36M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in ...
ASTM A36 is the most commonly used mild and hot-rolled steel. It has excellent welding properties and is suitable for grinding, punching, tapping, drilling and machining processes. Yield strength of ASTM A36 is less than that of cold roll C1018, thus enabling ASTM A36 to bend more readily ...
The mechanical property of ASTM A36 MS Plate . Yield Strength ≥250 Impact: 20ºC:≥20 Tensile strength: 400-550. Photos of ASTM A36 MS Plate Company Profile Wugang Hongxing Metal Material Co., Ltd. is located in Wuyang City and is specialized in manufacturing Steel Plates,Steel Rebars...
此标准在修订的A36/A36M的范围内发行。紧随其后的数字是指原本 通过的年份或者,如果修订,是最新版本年份。在括号内的数字是指 最后重新通过的年份。 上标数字表示从最新版本或最新通过的编辑变 化。 1.范围 此规范涵盖了碳素钢型材、板材,和用于桥及建筑的铆钉的、螺 栓连接的或者焊接构造,以及一般结构性用途。
The yield strength of A36, D36, E36, and F36 is not less than 355N/mm^2, and the tensile strength is 490-620N/mm^2. A, D, E, and F indicate that they can each be at 0°, -20°, The impact toughness that can be achieved under the conditions of -40° and ...
Designation: A36/A36M − 14Standard Specif i cation forCarbon Structural Steel 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A36/A36M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A ...