对应标准 ASTM A354-2017 淬火与回火合金钢螺栓, 螺柱及其它外螺纹紧固件的标准规格 Standard specification for quenched and tempered alloy steel bolts, studs, and other externally threaded fasteners 归类 合金钢 A354 Grade BD 化学元素成分含量(%) 成分C Mn P S B d≤2-1/4 最小值 0.3 0.6 - ...
归类 合金钢 A354 Grade BC 化学元素成分含量(%) 成分C Mn P S B d≤4 inch 最小值 0.3 0.6 - - - 最大值 0.53 - 0.035 0.04 0.003 碳当量计算 A354 Grade BC 机械性能 抗拉强度σb ksi 屈服点σs ksi 断后伸长率或延伸率δ % 断面收缩率ψ % 硬度 HBW ...
ASTM-A354 Grade Bd Heat-Treated 10.9 Quenched and Tempered Stud Bolt US$0.10-1.00 1,000 Pieces (MOQ) Product Details Customization: Available Material: Alloy Steel Surface Finishing: Zinc PlatedContact Supplier Chat Still deciding? Get samples of US$ 1/Piece Request...
内容提示: Designation: A 354 – 07aStandard Specif i cation forQuenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and OtherExternally Threaded Fasteners 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A 354; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption...
执行标准:ASTM A354 产品等级:ASTM A354 Grade BC,ASTM A354 Grade BD. 螺纹类型:UNC UNF 详细说明:美制ASTM A354六角头螺栓,依据美国材料协会规定使用的材质来生产并淬火。热处理也作了相应规范,对机械性能上有作明确的要求。美制ASTM A354六角头螺栓分为ASTM A354 Grade BC,ASTM A354 Grade BD这个两个等...
46 p. IEC 62985-2019 计算机断层扫描尺寸比剂量估计(SSDE)的计算方法 78 p. IEC 62984-2-2020 高温二次电池.第2部分:安全要求和试验 118 p. IEC 62960-2020 生命周期中的可靠性评估 3 p. ASTM A560 A560M-2012(R2018) 铬镍合金铸件标准规范 关于...
ASTM A354 covers the chemical and mechanical requirements of quenched and tempered alloy steel bolts, studs, and other externally threaded fasteners 4” and under in diameter. Two strength levels, grades BC and BD are summarized below. This specification is unrestricted in its configuration and can...
1.3 螺母包含在规范 A563 中。除非另有规定,每个等级紧固件的螺母等级和型式应如下: 紧固件等级和表面光洁度 螺母等级和型式 A BC,普通(或涂层厚度不足,需要攻丝螺母) C,重型六角 BC,镀锌(或涂层厚度需要攻丝螺母) DH,重型六角 BD,所有表面处理 DH,重型六角 A 具有指定保证载荷应力的其他等级和类型的螺母(规...
ASTM A354-11美标螺栓规范.pdf,Designation: A354 – 11 Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasteners1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation A354; the number immediately
淬火与回火合金钢螺栓, 螺柱及其它外螺纹紧固件的标准规格 ASTM A354 - 2017牌号 牌号 A354 Grade BC 牌号 A354 Grade BD 注:技术数据仅供参考,请以官方原件为准!我要留言 我要纠错 我要投诉 © 易紧通 服务热线:4006-164580(免长途费)