首页/ 产品与标准/ ASTM A 354 - 2011 合金钢外螺纹紧固件机械性能标准[技术] 简体 繁体 合金钢外螺纹紧固件机械性能标准 ASTM A 354 - 2011 注:技术数据仅供参考,请以官方原件为准!我要留言 我要纠错 我要投诉 © 易紧通 服务热线:4006-164580(免长途费) ...
Unless other-wise specif i ed, the grade and style of nut for each grade offastener shall be as follows:Grade of Fastener and Surface FinishNut Grade andStyle ABC, plain (or with a coating of insufficient thick-ness to require over-tapped nuts)C, heavy hexBC, zinc-coated (or with a ...
ASTM A 490 - 2011 合金钢结构螺栓机械性能 ASTM A 574 - 2011 美制内凹槽圆柱头螺钉的机械性能 ASTM A 307 - 2010 低碳钢外螺纹紧固件机械性能标准 ASTM A 449 - 2010 中碳钢外螺纹紧固件机械性能 ASTM A 563 - 2007 碳钢、合金钢螺母机械性能标准 ASTM F 568M - 2007 米制系列 碳钢、合金钢...
46 p. IEC 62985-2019 计算机断层扫描尺寸比剂量估计(SSDE)的计算方法 78 p. IEC 62984-2-2020 高温二次电池.第2部分:安全要求和试验 118 p. IEC 62960-2020 生命周期中的可靠性评估 3 p. ASTM A560 A560M-2012(R2018) 铬镍合金铸件标准规范 关于...
ASTM A 574 - 2011 美制内凹槽圓柱頭螺釘的機械性能 ASTM A 307 - 2010 低碳鋼外螺紋緊固件機械性能标準 ASTM A 449 - 2010 中碳鋼外螺紋緊固件機械性能 ASTM A 563 - 2007 碳鋼、合金鋼螺母機械性能标準 ASTM F 568M - 2007 米制系列 碳鋼、合金鋼外螺紋緊固件機械性能标準 ASTM F 835 - 2004...
国际标准分类中,astm +a354涉及到紧固件、词汇、钢铁产品。在中国标准分类中,astm +a354涉及到紧固件、钢铁与铁合金分析方法、电工材料和通用零件综合、裸电线。美国机械工程师协会,关于astm +a354的标准ASME SEC II A SA-354-2002 调质合金钢螺栓、螺柱和其它外部螺纹紧固件用规范.ASTM A354-00a...
1. Scope* Nut Grade and 2 Grade of Fastener and Surface Finish StyleA 1.1 This specification covers the chemical and mechanical requirements of quenched and tempered alloy steel bolts, studs, BC, plain (or with a coating of insufficient thick- C, heavy hex and other externally threaded ...
In by by if a or on on in is of to to by be as A be 8 NS as 1.1 A to be or 563, or of A by (14 6,38 6,12 6 , , ,112 as be in 788/ be by in .2 by a as 2.1 of he of a is to to of a to be % %or % 0 503 as by be of of or of ; ; or in ...
A354 Recommended Hardware GradeFinishNutWasher BC Plain A563C Heavy Hex F436 Galvanized A563DH Heavy Hex F436 BD All Finished A563DH Heavy Hex F436 * Nuts of other grades and styles having specified proof load stresses greater than the specified grade and style of nut are acceptable.We...
ASTM A354-17e2 适用范围 1.1 本规范涵盖了在正常大气温度下应用、需要高强度以及在高温下有限应用的调质合金钢螺栓、螺柱和其他直径为 4 英寸及以下的外螺纹紧固件的化学和机械要求。 (注1)。可以使用能够满足本规范中规定的最低机械和化学性能的任何合金钢。注释 18212;对于在高温下使用的螺栓、螺柱或其他外...