321不锈钢板 包含0.5-0.6-0.7-0.8毫米 板式换热器用白钢板 ¥18.90 查看详情 不锈钢防滑板 化工甲板用坚固牢靠 201-304-316L白钢原装花纹板 ¥11.90 查看详情 316L不锈钢板 冷轧拉丝 宽度可定制3/4/5/6/8毫米厚白钢花纹板 ¥17.90 查看详情 无缝管钝化 冷库排管用16MnDG低温管 20G高压管 20#石油裂化管 ¥54...
ASTM A240A240M-09a Designation:A240/A240M–09a Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet,and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications1 This standard is issued under thefixed designation A240/A240M;the number immediately following the ...
内容提示: Designation: A240/A240M − 17Standard Specif i cation forChromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate,Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for GeneralApplications 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A240/A240M; the number immediately following the ...
ASTM A240/A240M-17的发布历史信息,1.1 本规范2涵盖用于压力容器和一般应用(包括建筑、建筑、构造和美学应用)的铬、铬镍和铬锰镍不锈钢板、薄板和带材。 1.2 以 SI 单位或英寸-磅单位表示的值应单独视为标准。每个系统中规定的值可能并不完全相同;因此,每个系统应独立使
ASTM A240/A240M-17相似标准 ISO 6157-2:1995 紧固件.表面缺陷.第2部分:螺母ASTM A240/A240M-04一般用途用压力容器用铬不锈钢和铬-镍不锈钢厚钢板,薄钢板和带材的标准规范ASTM A240/A240M-04ae1一般用途用压力容器用铬不锈钢和铬-镍不锈钢厚钢板,薄钢板和带材的标准规范ASTM A240/A240M-11一般用途用压力容器用...
ASTM A240/A240M-17相似标准 ISO 6157-2:1995 紧固件.表面缺陷.第2部分:螺母ASTM A240/A240M-04一般用途用压力容器用铬不锈钢和铬-镍不锈钢厚钢板,薄钢板和带材的标准规范ASTM A240/A240M-04ae1一般用途用压力容器用铬不锈钢和铬-镍不锈钢厚钢板,薄钢板和带材的标准规范ASTM A240/A240M-11一般用途用压力容器用...
【精品】ASTM A240 A240M-09b 用于制造压力容器和一般用途的铬和铬镍不锈钢钢板、薄板、钢带技术规范 星级: 20 页 【精品】ASTM A 240-05 中温压力容器用耐热铬及铬镍不锈钢板、薄板和带材的标准规范(中文版) 星级: 12 页 ASTM A240-A240M-05 中文版 不锈钢厚板、薄板和带材 星级: 13 页 ASTM A...
ASTM A240/A240M 不锈钢板和带材标准规范解析 引言 不锈钢板和带材因其优异的耐腐蚀性、良好的强度和美观的外观,广泛应用于建筑、制造、化工等多个行业。ASTM A240/A240M作为国际公认的标准,详细规范了不锈钢板和带材的要求,为生产和应用提供了重要的指导。本文将详细解析ASTM A240/A240M标准的主要内容,探讨其在不锈...
Designation: A240/A240M − 20aStandard Specif i cation forChromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate,Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for GeneralApplications 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A240/A240M; the number immediately following the designation indicate...
Designation: A240/A240M − 17Standard Specif i cation forChromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate,Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for GeneralApplications 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A240/A240M; the number immediately following the designation indicates...