14 years in development and more than 1 year for revision, award-winning indie developer KEIZO gave his all into this work. The plot keeps twisting as characters growing in an ever expanding world; Classic themes like time travel and tons of spoilers are all custom-made with the developer's...
Astlibra Revisionis one of those “hidden gems” that I was advised to go into as blind as possible. To paraphrase, I was told to trust it would be worth my time to see it through to its conclusion. Now, three weeks and change later, I have finishedAstlibra Revision. And while I d...
ASTLIBRA Revision Travel Through Unfamiliar Worlds Explore a vast, dangerous, yet beautiful world. Broken up through multiple chapters, join the protagonist and Karon, his talking bird companion, as they confront time and fate. Back to The Golden Age Of JRPGs, with Side-scrolling Action...