adultsasthma symptomsIntroduction: Electronic cigarettes use is increasing in the U.S. One motive for e-cigarette's popularity is that they wean from combustible cigarettes. Smokers perceive electronic cigarette products as healthier than cigarette smoking and as a useful tool for smoking cessation. ...
macrophages, and T helper (Th) 17 cells have been demonstrated to play integral roles in the pathogenesis of neutrophilic airway inflammation through the release of cytokines10. In particular, interleukin (IL)-17 release by Th17 cells due to the loss of the Th17-Treg cell balance may increase ...
Abramson M, Matheson M., Wharton C, et al. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma among middle aged and older adults. Respirology 2002;7(4):325–31. Article Soriano JB, Davis KJ, Coleman B, et al. The Proportional Venn Diagram of Obstr...
An analysis with comorbidities presented and untreated as a control found that no comorbidities (OR=0.49, 95%CI 0.19 to 1.22), and comorbidities present and treated (OR=0.26, 95%CI 0.11 to 0.62) were beneficial to the control of smoking-asthma symptoms, which is in line with conventional ...
Question Does a moderate dose of oral corticosteroid reduce the duration or severity of acute lower respiratory tract infection in adults without asthma presenting to primary care? Findings In this randomized trial of 401 adults with symptoms of acute lower respiratory tract infection, treatment with ...
Factors underlying inception can range from viral respiratory tract infections in infancy to occupational exposures in adults. Factors underlying asthma exacerbations include allergen exposure in sensitized individuals, viral infections, exercise, irritants, and ingestion of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents...
Symptoms often disappear as children become adults ▪ Most patients with asthma can achieve symptomatic control and improvement of lifestyle through patient education, avoidance of potential triggers, and pharmacologic therapy withantiinflammatory agentsand bronchodilators ...
A 12-month, moderate-intensity exercise training program improves fitness and quality of life in adults with asthma: a controlled trial Article Open access 07 May 2015 The efficacy of a high protein/low glycemic index diet intervention in non-obese patients with asthma Article 06 February 201...
Further studies are needed to determine which psychological symptoms are most important in predicting prognosis in affected asthmatics or the development of "psychosomatic" asthma.关键词: asthmatics psychological symptoms DOI: 10.1007/BF00846152 被引量: 4 ...
"We chose to test the effect of steroids for chest infections as some of the symptoms of chest infections, such as shortness of breath, wheeze and cough with phlegm, overlap with acute asthma. However, we have conclusively demonstrated they are not effective in this group of patients."...