The meaning of ASTHMA is a chronic lung disorder that is marked by recurring episodes of airway obstruction (as from bronchospasm) manifested by labored breathing accompanied especially by wheezing and coughing and by a sense of constriction in the chest
The meaning of ASTHMA is a chronic lung disorder that is marked by recurring episodes of airway obstruction (as from bronchospasm) manifested by labored breathing accompanied especially by wheezing and coughing and by a sense of constriction in the chest
an asthmatic cough. suggestive of the wheezing or whistling sound symptomatic of asthma: We'll be listening for the telltales signs of imminent disaster: the last, asthmatic gasps from our geriatric central heating boiler. noun a person with asthma.Discover More Other Words From asth·mat·i...
asthmatic的使用趋势 改编自 Ngrams 数据仅供参考。 分享"asthmatic" 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofasthmatic 广告 想移除广告吗?查看更少的广告,并成为会员以移除所有广告。 简体中文 (Chinese)...
An asthmatic is someone who has asthma. Asthmatic can also describe a whistling, wheezy sound or voice. Even if you don’t have asthma, don’t try to sneak up on people if your breathing is asthmatic because they’ll hear you coming!
asthmatic meaning, definition, what is asthmatic: someone who suffers from asthma: Learn more.
Noun meaning "person with asthma" is recorded from 1610s. 例句和用法 1. One child in ten is asthmatic. 每10个孩子中有1个是患哮喘病的。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2. I have been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play any sports. 我从小就是个哮喘病人,从来不能参加任何...
adjective relieving or preventing asthma or an asthmatic paroxysm. noun an antasthmatic agent.Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of antasthmatic1 First recorded in 1675–85; ant- + asthmaticWord of the DayApril 17, 2024axolotl [ak-suh-lot-l ]Meaning and examples Start each day ...
This is the place for Antasthmatic definition. You find here Antasthmatic meaning, synonyms of Antasthmatic and images for Antasthmatic
Connotative meaning of self- and asthma-related concepts for two subgroups of asthmatic childrenADOLESCENCEASTHMACHILDCOGNITIONPSYCHOLOGICAL TESTSPSYCHOLOGYSELF CONCEPTSEMANTICSThis study examined relationships between sympton loss and maintenance and cognitive structures. The examination of cognitive structures was...