Developing an effective medication plan to control a child's asthma can take time and trial and error. Different drugs work more or less effectively for different kinds of asthma, and some drug combinations work well for some children but not for others. ...
Follow your child's Asthma Action Plan (AAP):An AAP is a written plan to help you manage your child's asthma. It is created with your child's pediatrician. Give the AAP to all of your child's care providers. This includes your child's teachers and school nurse. An AAP contains the...
The percentage of children with asthma that had ever received an asthma action plan increased from 41.7% in 2002 to 50.7% in 2013 (P< .001 for trend). In 2013, a greater percentage of non-Hispanic black (58.4%) than non-Hispanic white (47.4%) children (P= .028), privately insured ...
When Nathaniel Perez got sick several years ago, his mother thought he had bronchitis or pneumonia.Zapf, Karen
To determine the effect of introducing an action plan to children with mild to moderate asthma, who have never used a plan before.Children were recruited from general practitioner records with a diagnosis of asthma, and who agreed to participate, having identified that they had not used an actio...
This echoes current beliefs about the optimal approaches to the management of chronic diseases in general as well as current recommendations in national and international guidelines for the management of asthma (, ( In some ...
703 AUDIT OF THE USE OF A WRITTEN ASTHMA ACTION PLAN IN A BUSY PEDIATRIC UNIT C. Walsh, G. Armstrong, B. McCord Paediatrics, Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry, UK Background and aims: A written action plan (WAP) is recommended for all patients with asthma, particularly those who have moderate...
Asthma UK estimates that there are currently 1.1 million children in the UK (1 in 11) receiving treatment for asthma. There is substantial morbidity reflected in hospital admissions, interference with activity and ongoing symptoms.3 Each year, the National Health Service (NHS) is estimated to ...
Bring your treatment plan and all your medicines to every checkup. Show your doctor how you take your inhaled medicines to make sure you're doing it right Asthma in the Child Care Setting Asthma is a chronic breathing disorder and is the most common chronic health problem among children. Ch...
The addition of peak expiratory flow monitoring to symptom-based self management did not enhance outcome in children with asthma Patient education on self management of their asthma is a cornerstone of proper medical care.1 As part of this process, an individualised action plan shoul... Ball,T....