A panic attack comes on suddenly without an apparent physical trigger (there could be a mental trigger). Asthma usually comes on slowly, in a crescendo pattern, and is often triggered by a physical trigger such as a respiratory tract infection, cold air, or exercise. Asthma Causes and Trigge...
For stress and emotional upsets use Nadi Sodhana, for asthma triggered by cold air practice Ujjayi pranayama, and for allergic arthritis use Sit Cari or Shitali pranayamas. To help strengthen the lungs and reduce mucus congestion use Kapalabhati pranayama, practicing it very slowly and gently in...
These episodes may be triggered by such things as exposure to an environmental stimulant (or allergen) such as cold air, warm air, moist air, exercise or exertion, or emotional stress. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold. This...
Not all triggers come in the form of a specific substance. Asthma can also be triggered by existing allergies, certain kinds of medication (in particular non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as aspirin and ibuprofen), certain weather conditions, respiratory tract infections such as cold and flu...
Non-allergic (intrinsic) asthma is caused by factors other than allergies, such as exercise, stress, inhaling cold air, smoke, viral infections, and other irritants. This type of asthma is less common, develops more often in adults, and is more difficult to treat than allergic (extrinsic) ...
Coughing and wheezing may be symptoms of bronchospasm, and bronchospasm can occur when the airways are irritated by cold air. Bronchospasm may come on suddenly. It can be treated by medicines called bronchodilators. What Causes Asthma? Asthma Triggers ...
Anupper respiratory infectionsuch as a cold,flu, orbronchitis Sulfites (additives to some foods and wines) Changes in weather can also trigger asthma attacks because of the irritants and allergens stirred up by wind and rain. Asthma is on the rise in the United States and other developed coun...
The largest study of its kind on preschoolers has demonstrated that preventive treatment with high doses of inhaled corticosteroids is effective in reducing the severity and duration of asthma attacks triggered by colds. Dr. Francine Ducharme, assistant director of clinical research at the Sainte-...
How to Manage Asthma, Which Can Be Triggered by Exercise, Dogs, Even Cold AirAdams, Jill U
Asthma and respiratory viruses don't go well together. Weakened by the common cold or the flu, a person suffering an asthma attack often responds poorly to emergency treatment; some must be hospitalized. This is especially ...