Globally, ~300 million people live with asthma1. There are well-established sex and gender differences in the prevalence of asthma: more boys than girls suffer from asthma pre-puberty, while post-puberty, the prevalence of asthma is higher in women than men2. Furthermore, women are more like...
Asthma is a chronic disease that has a significant impact on quality of life and is particularly important in children and adolescents, in part due to the
There were similar reductions in asthma admission rates among children from different age, gender, and socioeconomic status groups and among those residing in urban and rural locations.These findings confirm those from a small number of previous studies suggesting that the well-documented population ...
Globally, ~300 million people live with asthma1. There are well-established sex and gender differences in the prevalence of asthma: more boys than girls suffer from asthma pre-puberty, while post-puberty, the prevalence of asthma is higher in women than men2. Furthermore, women are more like...
However, persons of any age can have asthma triggered by colds and other respiratory infections even though their normal stimuli might be from another category (e.g. pollen) and absent at the time of infection. 80% of asthma attacks in adults and 60% in children are caused by respiratory ...
Overweight, race, and psychological distress in children in the Childhood Asthma Management Program. 12 years) enrolled in the Childhood Asthma Management Program and seen for repeated visits over 4 1/2 years.Baseline rates of overweight (BMI for age:... BG Bender,A Fuhlbrigge,N Walders,......
Risk factors for incident asthma among children include male gender, atopic sensitization, parental history of asthma, early-life stressors and infections, obesity, and exposure to indoor allergens, tobacco smoke, and outdoor pollutants. Risk factors for adult-onset asthma include female sex, airway...
Approximately 30% of all children wheeze by age 3 years; only one third of these children have persistent symptoms up to age 6. • Allergy is the major predictor of persistence. • Ironically, exposure to indoor pets, daycare, or a farming environment in the first year of life may decr...
Environmental exposure to phthalates may contribute to an increased risk of asthma in children and adults. We aimed to assess the direction and strength of
As the people involved in this study observed the degree of expression of asthma within genetically similar populations they discovered that asthma between children of similar genetic ancestry that live in different environments have significant differences in prevalence rates (Subbarao, Mandhane, and Sear...