influencingtheoccurrenceandclinicalcourseofasthma.2parentsfilledoutacomprehensivequestionnairecover- MicroRNAs(miRNA)aresingle-strandedRNAingpatient’smedicalhistory,validatedquestionsabout moleculesof21–23nucleotidesinlength,andareasthmasymptomsandmedicationuse,allergicfindings ...
Patient-reported tools for assessing asthma symptom control (e.g., Asthma Control Questionnaire, Asthma Control Test, Childhood Asthma Control Test) reflect only the past 1–4 weeks, and therefore provide only a snapshot of recent symptoms, not overall asthma control. Poor symptom control is asso...
6 Nevertheless, worldwide data from questionnaire-based epidemiologic studies have shown that the prevalence of UCA in children is more than 50%.7 However, population-based clinical data on childhood UCA in a European setting are sparse. UCA is not synonymous with severe asthma, as the latter ...
Dietary consumption of apples and selenium intake (assessed by food frequency questionnaire) were each associated with a reduced risk of asthma in a case-control study (607 cases and 864 controls) of adults aged 16-50 in England. [Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;164(10): pp.1823-8] Elim...
When a WAP was present it was assessed for completeness using a questionnaire. Results: 29 asthmatic patients were discharged from the pediatric ward from 1st through 30th November. 20 of these admissions were with asthma, 1 patient was admitted twice. A WAP was identified in 3 of the ...
31 Plaza and coworkers32 reported quality of life using the Spanish version of the St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire and found significant improvement in all domains (activity P=0.002, symptoms P=0.003, impact P=0.001).26 Tierney et al.27used two different quality-of-life scales,33,34 ...
Validation of a rhinitis symptom questionnaire (ISAAC core questions) in a population of Swiss school children visiting the school health services. SCARPOL-team. Swiss Study on Childhood Allergy and Respiratory Symptom with respect to Air Pollution and Climate. International Study of Asthma and ...
In the first two versions of the App, allergy was not considered in the user’s questionnaire and AR cannot be differentiated from chronic rhinosinusitis. It is now included in the third version of the App (June 2018) and we will be able to answer more appropriately to this question in ...
Validity of a self-administered food frequency questionnaire for the estimation of acrylamide intake in the Japanese population: the JPHC FFQ validation study. J Epidemiol. 2018;28:482–7. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Cole TJ, Lobstein T. Extended international (IOTF) body mass...
A. (2009). Factors affecting children’s involvement in asthma consultations: A questionnaire survey of general practitioners and primary care nurses. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 18, 15–20. Article PubMed Google Scholar Mosnaim G., Li, H., Martin, M., Richardson, D., Belice, P. ...