Asthma, a chronic lung disease affecting over 300 million people globally [1], remains a significant healthcare burden. Despite advancements in treatment, severe asthma can lead to frequent flare-ups and life-threatening complications [2,3]. Current therapies like corticosteroids offer some relief bu...
Within 15–20 min, a wheal-and-flare response (an irregular blanched wheal surrounded by an area of redness) greater than the negative control will occur if the test is positive. Testing is typically performed using the allergens relevant to the patient’s environment (e.g., pollen, animal ...
Theme 1: Asthma Symptom Control and Monitoring are Often Inadequate Participants reported varying frequency of rescue medication use (from every few hours to twice weekly), increasing use when symptoms worsened or flare-ups appeared, before or after exercise, or when sick. Among participants who ...
During the buildup phase, the dose of allergen is gradually increased over several weeks or months. This allows the immune system to slowly build up a tolerance to the allergen. You will typically receive allergy shots once or twice a week during the buildup phase. Once you reach the effect...
The results of a large multicenter trial of patients with severe asthma treated for 12 months with golimumab (Simponi®) versus placebo have not proved exciting, because of the failure to reduce flare-ups and the lack of improvement in FEV1, with an unfavour- able risk-benefit profile [51...
The upshot: patients who took inhaled corticosteroid only when they had symptoms wound up using half as much of the medication but did not have more severe symptoms. Nor did they miss more days of work or school, or have more flare-ups. ...
whenupperrespinfection,sxlastingdaysor months. Mixedgroup---usuallyonsetlaterinlife Pathogenesis-1 Non-specificAWhyperreactivity: Sxmoresevere&persistent Nocturnal±earlyawakeningwithdyspnea ↑diurnalfluctuationinlungfunction Unstablelungfunction ↑BDresponse,↑therapeuticneeds Causeofhyperreactivity=inflammation Patho...