Therefore, the present study is to explore the mechanism involved in the increased susceptibility and severity of asthma caused by cold stress and PM2.5 exposure. Urban PM2.5 of Shanghai was concentrated to simulate a PM2.5 -polluted environment with an average concentration of 400 渭g/m3 , ...
moncold?’’Thiscolloquialquestioniscertainlynottrivialto thoseofusthatcareforasthma,especiallyasthmainthe preschool-agechild.Thecommoncold,causedbyrhinovirus andotherviralrespiratoryinfections,anuisanceillnesstomost, isthemajorcauseofseriousasthmaexacerbations.Viralrespira- ...
Non-allergic (intrinsic) asthma is caused by factors other than allergies, such as exercise, stress, inhaling cold air, smoke, viral infections, and other irritants. This type of asthma is less common, develops more often in adults, and is more difficult to treat than allergic (extrinsic) a...
Non-allergic (intrinsic) asthma is caused by factors other than allergies, such as exercise, stress, inhaling cold air, smoke, viral infections, and other irritants. This type of asthma is less common, develops more often in adults, and is more difficult to treat than allergic (extrinsic) a...
Infections such ascoldsand theflu Outdoor air pollution Tobacco smoke Occupational asthma is caused by breathing in chemicals or industrial dusts at work Exercise-induced asthma happens during physical exercise, especially when the air is dry
Immunotherapy appears to be most effective for mild to moderate asthma symptoms caused by sensitivity to indoor allergens.Severe asthma attacks must be treated in a hospital. There, oxygen can be administered, and drugs may be given intravenously or with a nebulizer. In life-threatening cases, ...
Can asthma be caused by stress? Yes, there's some evidence that strong emotions can trigger asthma since your muscles may tighten up or your breathing rate may increase when you're anxious, angry, or depressed. Try to take slow, deep breaths if you're feeling upset. ...
Asthma is caused by a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors that researchers do not fully understand yet. These factors can also influence how severe a person's asthma is and how well they respond to medication. As with other complex diseases, many genetic and environmental ...
Many asthma attacks occur when children get respiratory infections, including infections caused by common cold viruses. Attacks can also be caused by: exposure to cigarette smoke, stress, strenuous exercise, weather conditions, including cold, windy, or rainy days, allergies to animals, dust, pollen...
Nocturnal asthmaoccurs between midnight and 8 a.m. It is triggered by allergens in the home such as dust and pet dander or is caused by sinus conditions. It is also affected by the natural daily rhythm (circadianclock) of the body's steroid (cortisol) output, which tends to be at the...