Keep the Plan Handy Keep it where everyone in the house can see it. Also give a copy to everyone who cares for your child, including: Teachers or day-care workers School nurses Babysitters Coaches Camp counselors Other family members
Carry your child's medicine list with you in case of an emergency.Follow your child's Asthma Action Plan (AAP):An AAP is a written plan to help you manage your child's asthma. It is created with your child's pediatrician. Give the AAP to all of your child's care providers. This ...
Follow your child's Asthma Action Plan (AAP): An AAP is a written plan to help you manage your child's asthma. It is created with your child's pediatrician. Give the AAP to all of your child's care providers. This includes your child's teachers and school nurse. An AAP contains the...
Asthma affects 7% of Dutch children and poses an increasing challenge, highlighting the need for effective paediatric asthma care. Achieving optimal asthma control is crucial given the potentially negative long-term effects of bad asthma control on lung
COLORADO ASTHMA CARE PLAN AND MEDICATION ORDER FOR SCHOOL AND CHILD CARE SETTINGS* PARENT/GUARDIAN COMPLETE, SIGN AND DATE: Child Name: Birthdate: School: Grade: Parent/Guardian Name: Phone: I approve this care plan and give permission for school personnel to share this information, follow t...
Patel SJ, Longhurst CA, Lin A, et al. Integrating the home management plan of care for children with asthma into an electronic medical record. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2012;38:359-365.Patel SJ, Longhurst CA, Lin A, et al. Integrating the home management plan of care for children ...
If you or your child has asthma, you need to have an up-to-date action plan to manage any asthma symptoms. And the plan needs to be written out on paper, not just tucked away in your memory. The idea of an action plan is nothing new. But researchers at the University of Montreal’...
Because severe and difficult-to-treat asthma is complex, heterogenous, and often occurs with comorbidities [26], it cannot be treated in isolation: asthma care must form part of a holistic care plan in conjunction with other specialties and specialist centres, and patients themselves. Care must ...
Firstly, early asthma detection in children presenting with wheezing and/or dyspnoea is vital, with a low threshold for referral from primary to specialist care. Secondly, children who may need biologics should be referred to and managed by specialist paediatric asthma centres; we define principles ...
Exploring the usefulness of comprehensive care plans for children with medical complexity (CMC): a qualitative study. The Medical Home model recommends that Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) receive a medical care plan, outlining the child's major medical iss... Sherri,Adams,Eyal,....