Operational definition of asthma attack was J450, J459 (ICD-10) in the claims data either major or minor diseases during the research period admitted through the emergency room. Air pollution data (PM10, O3, NO2, SO2) was from the Korea Environment Agency. The lag-effects (0鈥 5 day) ...
ICD: International Classification of Disease Code; LSTM: long short-term memory. For each visit, multiple clinical variables were encoded in the input layer and averaged through the code-level attention mechanism. The elapsed time embedding is attached to each visit as complementary information to ...
Questions to Consider in the Diagnosis of Asthma • Has the patient had an attack or recurrent attacks of wheezing? • Does the patient have a troublesome cough at night? • Does the patient wheeze or cough after exercise? • Does the patient experience wheezing, chest tightness, or ...
Breathing during an acute asthmatic attack is labored, with the respiratory rate increasing to more than 20 breaths per minute in most episodes and to more than 40 breaths per minute during more severe episodes. This increased rate may be the result of apprehension, airway obstruction, or a ...
In a qualitative study that examined guideline implementation from the patients’ perspective, one interviewee described his tremendous dependence on the reliever therapy by saying that when he noticed he did not have the reliever inhaler with him, he immediately had an asthma attack17. Asthma ...
Subjects with the ICD-9 codes for asthma (493.00-493.92), but without asthma medications and at least 1 asthma attack in the last 12 months were considered to be in remission or have an incorrect diagnosis of asthma. Asthma severity was assessed using the current Global INitiative for Asthma ...
[35], there is no definite data on the prevalence and annual incidence of spontaneous CU (which includes about 50–75% of cases of CU [4,36,37,38,39]. A recent Italian study, based on the consultation of a national registry, which uses the ICD-9-CM classification system (International...
Furthermore, different triggers for asthma attack among children may influence the prescription of CHM. Xiao-Qing-Long-Tang (XQLT) is the second most commonly used HF for asthmatic children, and it has extensive effects on decreasing Th2-related immune response, anti-inflammatory, reducing secret...
and sociodemographic characteristics are ascertained by asking a knowledgeable family member, aged 18 years or older, who resides in the household. Two questions are asked to determine the prevalence and frequency of asthma: “ever told had asthma,” and “had an asthma attack in the last 12 mo...
ABGs can be used in staging the severity of an asthmatic attack: 1. Mild: decreased Pao2 and Paco2, increased pH 2. Moderate: decreased Pao2, normal Paco2, normal pH 3. Severe: marked decreased Pao2, increased Paco2, and decreased pH • CBC, leukocytosis with “left shift” may indicat...