Detailed practical advice on the implementation of MART in clinical practice has recently been published40,41, including downloadable resources (ICS–formoterol dosing and SMART action plan). GINA asthma treatment is not “one size fits all” Because asthma is a chronic condition prone to flare-...
Detailed practical advice on the implementation of MART in clinical practice has recently been published40,41, including downloadable resources (ICS–formoterol dosing and SMART action plan). GINA asthma treatment is not “one size fits all” Because asthma is a chronic condition prone to flare-...
Based on asthma severity, this treatment can also be used as maintenance therapy (MART) [2,3]. When choosing a LABA in the combination treatment, GINA recommends the use of formoterol due to its long and rapid onset of action [2]. A meta-analysis by O’Shea et al. from 2021 updated...