What is an asthma action plan? Patient education is a critical component in the successful management of asthma. An asthma action plan provides an individual with specific directions for daily asthma management and for adjusting medications in response to increasing symptoms or decreasing lung function...
This is only part of the picture. The main problem in asthma involves inflammation and swelling of the airways. It is important to understand that the lungs have a series of tubes akin to branches of a tree leading to each of the air sacs of the lungs. When these tubes become inflamed,...
picture based medication planemergencyasthma action planchronic careBackground: National asthma guidelines recommend use of an asthma action plan (AAP) as part of chronic asthma care. Unfortunately, AAPs have not been tailored for use in acute care settings, where many patients at risk for poor ...
- Appropriate self-assessment and self-control based on action plan - PEF is ≥ 80% of the predicted values and diurnal variation is <20%, if possible 5. Specific considerations 5.1. Steroid-resistant asthma 5.1.1. Definition The definition of steroid-resistant asthma is that FEV1% is less ...
Short-acting β2-agonists are effective in children aged 1 year and over, and should be the first-line relief medication in the yellow zone of the self-management plan.49 Preemptive administration of ICS, LTRA, and OCS has been formally tested in the context of randomized controlled trials ...
Six ideas to improve asthma self-care were highlighted: 1. Improve delivery of the asthma action plan (AAP); 2. Develop a symptom monitoring calendar; 3. Provide accessible travel information; 4. Develop an exercise programme for patients with asthma; 5. Promoting patient self-efficacy; and 6...
The mainstays of long-term management include specialist assessment, avoidance measures, and the provision of an epinephrine auto-injector and an individualized anaphylaxis action plan. This article provides an overview of the causes, clinical features, diagnosis and acute and long-term management of ...
Taken together, our data draw a picture of unacceptably low level of asthma control in three largest cities of Kazakhstan, despite the fact that asthma pharmacological treatment, including combined inhaled steroids with long-acting bronchodilators, is covered by the state. Prior to this presentation,...
Although cardiac or respiratory arrest represents an absolute indication for intubation, the usual picture is that of a conscious patient struggling to breathe. Factors associated with increased likelihood of intubation include exhaustion and fatigue despite maximal therapy, deteriorating mental status, ...
action plan not delay physician assessment. Thus, instructions for contacting the physician or going to an emergency department should be imbedded in the plan and used when signs or symptoms of severe asthma are present, such as large reductions in lung function, resting dyspnea, or lack of ...