Asthma well-controlled Asthma getting worse Written asthma action plan Prevent progression to severe exacerbation Asthma first aid chart each term to clarify the intended meaning. For example, the Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring recommends the following wording for health surveys: "Do you have ...
Educate patients on self-management to help them identify symptom worsening. Self-management education that includes a written action plan, regular review and symptom monitoring, reduces unscheduled visits, hospitalization and time lost from school or work10. A plan to explain when and how to increas...
Many report not being told how to respond to an asthma exacerbation or how to reduce trigger exposure and not receiving an asthma action plan.1 Many people with asthma neither use controller medication nor follow advice on trigger reduction consistently.3,7,8 People with asthma can learn self-...
Asthma was defined as the following problems/diagnoses defined by ICPC2 codes – R96.1 (asthma), R96.5 (status asthmaticus), R96.2 (asthmatic bronchitis), R96.10 (asthma attack), R49.2 (asthma plan), R49.3 (asthma action plan), R62.29 (asthma care plan), R45.4 (advice and education ...
Copyright PCRS-UK - reproduction prohibited Prim Care Respir J 2011; 20(3): 240-248 CLINICAL REVIEW The impact of asthma and COPD in sub-Saharan Africa *Frederik van Gemerta, Thys van der Molena, Rupert Jonesb, Niels Chavannesc a Department of General Practice, University Medical Center ...
( zStep up or step down treatment based on assessment of control (See age specific stepwise chart). zUpdate and review written Asthma Action Plan. zProvide inactivated influenza vaccine for all patients over 6 months of age, ...
Working together, you and your patient should prepare a written personal asthma action plan that is medically appropriate and practical. A sample asthma plan is shown in Figure 3. Additional written asthma action plans can be found on several websites, including: www.nhlbi...
This echoes current beliefs about the optimal approaches to the management of chronic diseases in general as well as current recommendations in national and international guidelines for the management of asthma (, ( In some ...
For example, in the UK, only 20% of patients have ever received a written action plan [9]. Meanwhile, people with asthma are looking for alternatives; 65% report having used the internet to locate information about asthma without necessarily involving a health professional. Taken together, ...
are various levels of sophistication for CDSSs, from reminders to enter specific data, prescribe certain drugs/vaccines or provide an asthma action plan, to a system retrieving patient asthma information from an electronic health-care record and providing a critique on the intended clinical action. ...