Methods Between May and September 2017, parents/carers of children aged 2–16years who presented with acute respiratory symptoms and a prior diagnosis of asthma to the emergency department at one regional and one metropolitan hospital in NSW, Australia, were invited to participate in a questionnaire...
For example, the Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring recommends the following wording for health surveys: "Do you have a written asthma action plan, that is, written instructions of what to do if your asthma is worse or out of control?".10 Another potential tool is shown in Figure 1, ...
Educate patients on self-management to help them identify symptom worsening. Self-management education that includes a written action plan, regular review and symptom monitoring, reduces unscheduled visits, hospitalization and time lost from school or work10. A plan to explain when and how to increas...
Results: Only 29% of participants owned a WAAP, while 13% possessed verbal instructions, and 56% had no plan. An asthma action plan for children, which was developed by a general practitioner (GP) was more likely to comprise verbal instruc- tions (p = 0.001), while action plans developed...
School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Corner High Street & Botany Street, Kensington, NSW, 2052, Australia Parker Magin Contributions P.M. and M.v.D. participated in the conception and design of the ReCEnT study. N.R., P.M., K.F., A.R.,...
18. Action against asthma. A strategic plan for the Department of Health and Human Services. Washington, DC: Department of Health and Human Services; 2000. 19. Thompson S. On the social cost of asthma. Eur J Respir Dis Suppl 1984;136:185-91. 20. Karr RM, Davies RJ, Butcher BT, ...
Asthma is managed through drugs and an asthma management plan. There are 2 types of medication in the treatment of asthma - relievers and preventers. As their name implies, relievers are used to treat the acute attack – so as to relax the smooth muscles. Some relievers also reduce the swe...
Asthma self-management education which consists of information, self-monitoring, regular medical review, and a written action plan is effective and leads to a reduction in hospitalisation and ER visits for asthma, unscheduled doctors visits, days lost from work, episodes of nocturnal asthma, indirect...
(K Alam PhD); The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia (K Alam PhD); Department of Health, Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia (N Alam MAppEpid); College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates (J M Alkaabi MD, Prof F ...
rhinitis, obesity or reflux rather than asthma ● 'Adjust treatment' (up or down): not only drug therapy but also non-pharmacological strategies (e.g., physical activity) and treatment of modifiable risk factors (e.g., smoking cessation, providing a written asthma action plan, weight ...