There is a chance - albeit a small one - that an asteroid could hit planet Earth within the next decade. There is an estimated 3.1% chance that the 2024 YR4 asteroid hits Earth, but how worried should we really be? This Podcast discusses the potential threat of asteroid. Experts, includi...
This marks just the seventh time an asteroid has been detected before it hit the planet. And the most recent event came almost exactly 10 years after a meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Feb. 15, 2013, setting off ashock wavethat injured nearly 1,200 people and shattered windows ...
One astronomer said he believes there's about a "1 in 400 chance" the asteroid could impact Earth. Mar 9, 2023 Asteroid hits Earth just hours after discovery The 1-meter asteroid was discovered just hours before it hit Earth's atmosphere and almost 10 years to the day that an astero...
The team found the asteroid's orbit around the Sun is elongated, and it's currently traveling directly away from Earth, almost in a straight line. However, its almost straight-line trajectory has made it difficult for researchers to get accurate measurements of its speed, size, an...
Byline: Claire TolleyDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
"Unless an asteroid similar to Apophis hits Earth and we can measure the consequences, our program will remain a 'best guess' and subject to large uncertainties," Collins said. "But close approaches do help us better understand asteroids and their likelihood of striking Earth in future." What...
' meaning that there is only a small chance that the asteroid will have a direct impact on Earth's surroundings. What is described as "something cool" would presumably be that the asteroid hits or almost hits the Earth or the Moon. She then states that further observations have shown that...
Thus did the Mount Lemmon reflector, part of theCatalina Sky Survey, discover 2014 AA, the first asteroid found this year. But at the time neither Kowalski nor anyone else realized that the little intruder was only 300,000 miles (500,000 km) from Earth and closing fast. ...
There are asteroids out there that will certainly hit Earth but are so small they are almost imperceptible as they burn up in our atmosphere. Others might be giant, extinction-level event asteroids which could do immense damage but are traveling in orbits around the Sun that ar...
–“That two such impacts occurred within 300,000 years and both hit the Earth at almost exactly the same place is statistically unlikely.” Dr. Joanna Morgan, Imperial College, London, in a BBC News article from March 2004. One of Keller’s main arguments is that the layer of debris f...