ASTERIA Warp関連サイトのご紹介 初めての方 ASTERIA Warp製品サイト ASTERIA Warpの特徴や導入事例、オプション情報などをご紹介しています。 ASTERIA Warpデベロッパーの方 アステリア製品オンラインコミュニティ Asteria Park アステリア製品デベロッパー同士をつなげ、技術情報の共有やちょっと...
「Oracle Exadata」のデータ連携事例です。導入実績は10,000社以上。「ASTERIA Warp(アステリア ワープ)」は、ノーコードにより企業の業種や規模を問わず様々な場面に導入されている国内シェアNo.1の簡単データ連携ツールです。ASTERIA、Amazon Aurora採用で中古車情報Web掲載の高速化、スケーラビリテ...
Core product “ASTERIA Warp” has held the largest share of the domestic enterprise data integration software market (EAI/ESB) for the 18th straight year* and has been introduced by over 10,000 companies, mainly large and medium ones. We offer a rich product lineup which integrates with cloud...
OctoberLaunched “ASTERIA Warp Core”, the subscription version of ASTERIA Warp. Received a Silver rating in the PRIDE Index for its LGBT initiatives from Japanese private organization “Work with Pride”. 2017 JanuaryStarted “Pangea 2.0” program to support start-ups at IoT Future Lab. ...
October Launched “ASTERIA Warp Core”, the subscription version of ASTERIA Warp.Received a Silver rating in the PRIDE Index for its LGBT initiatives from Japanese private organization “Work with Pride”.2017January Started “Pangea 2.0” program to support start-ups at IoT Future Lab. February ...
ASTERIA Corporation, HQ in Tokyo, Japan have expertise for system to system data connecting middleware, called "ASTERIA Warp", have the largest market share in Japan. Our mission is to connect people and technology to simplify lives. We aim to provide products and services that have existential...
ASTERIA Warp supports the automation of operations through non-programming technology. Supporting a diverse variety of data sources, including core systems, Cloud computing, Big Data, etc., ASTERIA Warp offers high-speed, non-programming development. Ove