2 Family Asteraceae and its relevance to urban greenery Asteraceae is the largest and the most successful flowering plant family, with ca. 1600 genera and 25,000 species widely distributed all over the world in a variety of ecological habitats (Tahtiharju et al., 2012), except Antarctica (Barr...
Inflorescences in the Asteraceae plant family,flower heads,or capitula,mimic single flowers but are highly compressed structures composed of multiple flowers.This transference of a flower-like appearance into an inflorescence level is considered as the key innovation for the rapid tribal radiation of ...
: a family of homobasidiomycetous fungi (order Hymenogastrales) characterized by having only one glebal cavity in each basidiocarp Word History Etymology New Latin, from Protogaster, type genus (from prot- + -gaster) + -aceae The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive...
. A fusion of strongly reduced leaves to the shoot axis can also be seen in some angiosperms, e.g. the Casuarinaceae (Fagales), where leaves are not only fused to the shoot axis but also to each other, forming longitudinal ridges (= phyllichnia) on the shoot surface (Wilson and Jo...
(名) As a noun Plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle. Synonyms:aster family,Compositae,family Asteraceae,family Compositae New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more ...
In several cases, the southernwood had been grown within a family for generations and carefully cared for and transplanted when the household moved within the country. Southernwood was often described as being connected with positive memories of the scent and stories about the use of the herb in...
Asteraceae, the aster, daisy, or composite family of the flowering-plant order Asterales. With more than 1,620 genera and 23,600 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees distributed throughout the world, Asteraceae is one of the largest plant families. Astera
Anemophilous weeds from the Asteraceae family are highly allergenic and represent a significant source of aeroallergens in late summer and autumn. Ragweed and mugwort pollen allergies have become a significant health burden in Europe. Some people with respiratory allergies to weed pollen may also suff...
Metabolites 2015, 5, 404-430; doi:10.3390/metabo5030404 OPEN ACCESS metabolites Article ISSN 2218-1989 www.mdpi.com/journal/metabolites/ A Metabolomic Approach to Target Compounds from the Asteraceae Family for Dual COX and LOX Inhibition Daniela A. Chagas-Paula 1,2,*, Tong Zhang 1, Fernando ...
In several cases, the southernwood had been grown within a family for generations and carefully cared for and transplanted when the household moved within the country. Southernwood was often described as being connected with positive memories of the scent and stories about the use of the herb in...