ASTCT CR分级标准(ASTCT Criteria for CRS Grading)如下: 1. CR0(无症状) -体温≤38℃ -心率≤90次/分钟 -血压正常 -没有症状、体征或实验室异常 2. CR1(轻度症状) -体温>38℃,但≤39℃ -心率>90次/分钟 -血压正常或轻度升高 -有轻度的让人不适感,但没有需要治疗的症状 -实验室检查出现轻度的白细...
The CARTOX CRS grading differs slightly from the Lee criteria by including grade 1 organ toxicity to be considered under grade 1 CRS and defining fever, hypotension, and hypoxia for grading of CRS in adults (Table1). In addition, a separate system was proposed for grading of neurotoxicity. ...
Yet despite this dissemination of and evaluation on individual REMS training decks with variable product- and manufacturer-specific grading schema and management algorithms, each treatment center has typically adopted one internally vetted management algorithm per toxicity syndrome, such as CRS, immune effec...