"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armor shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will...
The Astartes assault through the Ardenner Wood was nigh-unstoppable. Though traitor armor was positioned in the region, the Iron Hands proved superior in their handling of their tanks and ruthlessly eliminated the defenders. Imperial forces were now racing through a breach in the Davidian Line, ...
need AP-4 to reduce your Save below 4+ armor. So that means that Lightning Claw Terminators will fair a lot better. I would say that yes a mix of Lightning Claws and Thunderhammer and Storm Shields is a lot more viable. There are still things like Plasma, melta and...
The second squad then see the floating sphere light up and ripple again – briefly forming the shape of a demonic-looking figure, possibly aChaos Daemon– before it suddenly sucks them in, their armor clinging to the sphere’s surface like a magnet. The sphere becomes semi-liquid and begins...
130 in favor of the Jedi. That's factoring in the fact that your average Battle Brother is fully capable of dealing with precognitive opponents in light armor with deceptive range on a regular basis (Farseer vs. Space Marine) in close-combat and even at range and still coming out ahead ...
Greetings fellow followers of the eightfold path. I am a recent convert to the dark powers having long pledged myself to the Dark Angels, I turn now to my most evil creations, the word bearers. These are the word bearers of the black Heralds chapter and
Playing a game tomorrow with an unknown opponent so have no clue what I have to deal with. My list however will consist of: SHrike Captain in gravis armor- blade driven deep(vow) Libby in phobos- execute and redeploy libby in phobos ...