Sources 1:Dark Imperium: Plague War (Novel)Second Edition, Chapter 18 Categories: Imperial Texts Space Marines Ultramarines Page Discussion View source History Log in Request account Community Discord Server YouTube Channel
"We follow in the footsteps of Guilliman. As it is written in the Codex, so shall it be." — Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines The Codex Astartes is a great and sacred tome of military organisation, strategy and tactics written by Robout
A "Chapter planet" is an Astartes world which is both governed by the chapter and which serves as the base for their fortress-monastery.[3a]Astartes homeworlds may be Imperial planets, while some are not planets at all, but take the form of orbiting spacecraft, deserted moons and asteroid...
Astartes Season 1 follows a raiding party of firstborn Space Marines – a.k.a. Adeptus Astartes – from the grey-armoredRetributors chapter, an original lore invention of Syama Pedersen. Using a Caestus Assault Ram (a kind of landing craft that smashes through spaceship hulls to insert tr...
40k宇宙里神神怪怪的东西太多了,强如星际战士也过的很辛苦啊。 来自Android客户端10楼2020-04-04 10:30 收起回复 卡扎菲大佐 毁灭之雨 10 Part 5 continues from where it last left off, with a squad of Astartes from the Imperial Fist "Retributor" chapter having secured a ship, and eliminated ...
Been trying to get back into 40k more and learn the new edition. That said a couple things I'm trying to figure out with deathwatch which I'll help me decide on what needs to be painted next in my list. First, if I deepstrike a character like an ancient
This submod is for the EXTREME! Do you think that Lethal is too easy? Do you want everything to be super difficult? Do you want hordes on the brink of being close to crashing the instance but not quite there? THIS MOD IS FOR YOU!
The Space Marines on the ground have a massive numbers advantage, around five hundred to One, when we consider that the height of the Jedi Order was 15,000 before the Clone Wars, just one Astartes Chapter(which there are a lot of) has more than that, their weaponry massively outmatches...
Pedersen, a professional 3D artist and animator from Auckland, New Zealand, started releasing snippet episodes of his Space Marine-themed magnum opus – featuring his self-invented Retributors Chapter – in March 2018. The videos have since become riotously popular among the 40K community, with Wa...
Hi everyone, My first post on B&C, and I thought I'd put my own chapter (models to be painted) into the wild. After 20 years of being out of WH40K, it's been a whirlwind trying to keep up with the changes. This chapter has existed in one form or other si