1.Liver Blood Tests:Understand Liver Blood Test Results.MedicineNet.2016; 2.医脉通
AST Blood Test AST Test Results 6 min read The aspartate aminotransferase (AST) test is a blood test that looks for liver damage by checking the levels of aspartate aminotransferase (also known as aspartate transferase) in your blood. Your doctor might order this test to find out if you ...
The AST/ALT ratio usually increases along with the level of liver destruction; the amount of alcohol consumed by the patient fuel the progress of the disease. Since diseases outside the liver can also cause the AST/ALT ratio to elevate, we always need to assess all biochemical results availab...
The AST test is usually used to diagnose liver disease or assess damage to the liver. Doctors usually order this test when a patient has symptoms of liver conditions; common symptoms include: Fatigue Nausea and vomiting Jaundice Changes in the colour of the urine (usually liver problems...
If the lab test is processed on-site, the results can be returned within hours. Otherwise, your doctor will usually receive the results in anywhere from one to three days. Roles of AST and ALT Aminotransferasesare chemicals the liver uses to make glycogen. Glycogen is the stored form ofgluc...
AST Test Results Usually, you’ll get your results back in 1-2 business days. They're given in units per liter (units/L). It’s important to remember that AST by itself doesn’t tell the whole story about your liver health. Your doctor gets a more accurate picture when they also con...
AST and ALT are two common markers for diagnosing liver diseases. Patients with liver disorders often find their AST and ALT levels unsatisfactory,...
ResultsAST significantly and positively correlated with ALT ( r=0.84). The area under the curve of ALT for predicting abnormal AST was 0.95. At a sensitivity of 86.7%, the specificity of ALT for predicting abnormal AST was 90.2%. When ALT≤22 U/L, the saving AST test was 53.6%. The ...
To understand the significance of your results, your doctor often looks at AST and the levels of other enzymes included in a liver panel test. Patterns in which enzymes are normal or abnormal can offer meaningful clues about an underlying problem. ...
AST( Aspertate Aminotransferase ) - Enzyme or protein that leaks from the damaged liver. AST 谷草 转氨酶 —— 从受损肝脏中泄露的酶或蛋白. 互联网 The test of ALT,AST, � � - GT, LDH, CHE, α - HBDH, α - Amy, CK, CK - MB, T - Bil, P - ALB , T - CHO, TG, HDL -...