We included all patients with severe APAP poisoning, defined as AST or ALT greater than 1000 IU/L. Patients who were given NAC for other indications, those without APAP poisoning, and those receiving liver transplantation were excluded. We then recorded paired AST and ALT concentrations from each...
·论著·176例ALT或AST异常的 HIV / AIDS病人中医药干预分析杨玉琪,方路,刘彦丽,贺铮铮,孙俊,宋娜丽,蔡怡,马克坚(云南省中医中药研究院,昆明 650223 )摘要:目的 分析肝功能转氨酶异常的艾滋病病毒( HIV )感染者/艾滋病( AIDS )病人(简称 HIV / AIDS 病人),经中医药连续治疗 2 年后其临床特征变化。方法 收...
An AST/ALT ratio equal to one (where the ALT is equal to the AST) may be a sign ofacute viral hepatitisordrug-related liver toxicity. An AST/ALT ratio higher than one (where the AST is higher than ALT) means you may havecirrhosis. An AST/ALT ratio higher than 2:1 (where the AST...
GGT 临床意义 Clinical significance 急、慢性酒精性肝炎、药物性肝炎:GGT--↑↑或↑↑↑,ALT和AST--N或↑。 GGT shows a far greater increase than the ALT and AST,the GGT/AST ratio is >6. GGT as marker of alcoholism GGT 临床意义 Clinical significance 胆道阻塞性疾病:GGT--↑↑↑。 Cholestasis...
If your results show high levels of ALT, it is almost a sure sign that you have some type of liver damage, likely from hepatitis, infection, cirrhosis, or cancer. However, higher-than-normal AST levels could signal problems in your liver or other organs that produce AST. ...
We estimated the expression of all reference transcripts in each of the six datasets using RSEM [23] and defined a transcript isoform as expressed if the transcripts per million (TPM) reported by RSEM was greater than zero. Versions and commands for RSEM are listed in Additional file 1:...
constjsxA11y=require('eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y');module.exports=[…{files:['**/*.{js,mjs,cjs,jsx,mjsx,ts,tsx,mtsx}'],plugins:{'jsx-a11y':jsxA11y,},languageOptions:{parserOptions:{ecmaFeatures:{jsx:true,},},},rules:{// ... any rules you want'jsx-a11y/alt-text':'error',}...
than the closest to the lead variant, due to coding or eQTL annotation; gray, indicating the lead variant is over 100 kilobases from a protein-coding gene; bold, indicating a known GWAS catalog ALT or AST locus; bold and underlined, indicating a known GWAS catalog ALT and AST locus. ...
Our findings revealed that the patients with increased levels of ALT and AST had a greater risk of severe Vit-D insufficiency versus those without raise of ALT and/or AST levels. Liver damage due to iron overload in the liver can increase liver enzymes such as ALT and AST50. It has been...