新建一个普通的Maven工程 一. 新建一个普通的Maven工程 1.鼠标点击File–>Project 打开工程选择列表.(IDEA支持创建很多类型的工程,这里我们以新建一个普通的Maven工程为例子) 2.配置Maven的常用脚手架 Project SDK: 配置该项目的所使用JDK,不配置使用全局配置的SDK设置. 如果我们需要使用到Maven提供的脚手架,......
• Transfer Rate. The data transfer rate in Gbit/s. NOTE: Some 6-Gbit/s disks might not consistently support a 6-Gbit/s transfer rate. If this happens, the controller automatically adjusts transfers to those disks to 3 Gbit/s, increasing reliability and reducing error messages with ...
privateString url;privateStringmethod="get";privateString contentType;privateString body;privateHashMap<String, String> query;privateHashMap<String, String> headers;privateResponse response;// ... 属性赋值RequestSpecificationrequestSpecification=given().log().all(); requestSpecification.contentType(contentT...
5. Open a command prompt (Windows) or a terminal window (UNIX), and navigate to the directory containing the firmware file to load. a. Enter a command with the following syntax: ftp <controller-network-address>. (For example: ftp b. Log in as an FTP user (us...
* Excluded example projects from rest assured bom file (issue 1546) * Updated jackson from version 2.11.1 to 2.13.2 (issue 1555) Changelog 4.5.1 (2022-02-11) --- * Fixed a bug in ObjectMapper that required JAXB/JakartaEE when this was not intended (issue 1542) Changelog 4.5.0 (2022...
1, the image file and or the reintegrated image/data of the check may be printed as a substitute check or IRD at any point in processing after the scan and used for banks that do not have electronic transfer capability. The IRD meets industry standards and procedures relating to check ...
服务 加入Gitee 与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :) 免费加入 已有帐号?立即登录 master 分支(5) 标签(62) 管理 管理 master oauth2 jetty groovy-2.1 json_xpath rest-assured-4.3.0 rest-assured-4.2.0 rest-assured-4.1.2 ...
5. Open a command prompt (Windows) or a terminal window (UNIX), and navigate to the directory containing the firmware file to load. a. Enter a command using the following syntax: ftp <controller-network-address>. (For example: ftp b. Log in as an FTP user (u...