In combination with this lesson, analyze learners, state teaching goals, choose teaching methods media and materials, use media and materials, and require learners to participate, evaluate and revise. Chapter 3: Teaching design of drinking milk, not coffee based on ASSURE model. Including analysis ...
1EDD 7914-Integrating Emerging Technology (TIM) into the Curriculum-ASSURE Model Lesson PlanStephen R. KaneAssignment # 5-Integrating Emerging TechnolThe use of technology within the curriculum requires careful planning and thought regarding how it will be integrated into and used within the classroom...
In this paper the writer uses the ASSURE model to design a lesson plan for a graduate level course in educational technology (EDUC 531). The plan is based on the writer's assessment of the course using theTechnology Integration Matrix (TIM). This tool helps educators evaluate the integration...
Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory − a model for the geological repository site; the Bentonite Laboratory; the Canister Laboratory; site Investigation Oskarshamn. All project partners and a number of interested experts from all participating countries took the opportunity to visit these facilities in th...
The lesson plan follows the ASSURE model. Thismodel ensures that the learning goals are central to lesson planning and that technology is used as a tool rather than as the learning objective.Dr. Shirley Walrod