汉语翻译a. 假装的, 装的, 假定的【法】 设想的, 假定的, 被承担的词型变化:副词:assumedly英语解释:动词 assume:take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof同义词:assume, presume, take for grantedtake on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities同义词:...
通常,人们思考问题都是从真前提进而得到真结论,在创造和创新活动中,一般都要经过由假前提寻求真结论的思维过程。 英英解释 adj. 1. accepted as real or true without proof 2. taken as your right without justification 3. adopted in order to deceive 网络释义...
1. accepted as real or true without proof; "anassumedincrease in population" "theassumedreason for his absence" "assumptive beliefs" "his loyalty was taken for granted" 2. taken as your right without justification; "was hearing evidence in anassumedcapacity" ...
英英释义网络释义 noun 1.accepted as real or true without proof; an assumed increase in population 2.taken as your right without justification; was hearing evidence in an assumed capacity 3.adopted in order to deceive; an assumed name
1. accepted as real or true without proof; an assumed increase in population the assumed reason for his absence assumptive beliefs his loyalty was taken for granted 2. taken as your right without justification; was hearing evidence in an assumed capacity Congress's arrogated powers over domains...
12.Thekeyissueiswhetherthehoppingratewiththeodorantinplaceissignificantlygreaterthanthatwithoutit.Thecalculationsshowthatitis—whichmeansthatodouridentificationinthiswayseemstheoreticallypossible. 13.ButHorsfieldstressesthatthat'sdifferentfromaproofofTurin'sidea."Sofarthingslookplausible,butweneedproperexperimental...
www.AssumedBusinessName.Comenables to get their Assumed Business Name legally registered and open a business checking account so they can start collecting money for their business. Without registering your Assumed Business Name, you will not be able to open one or sue anyone under that name. ...
"because it was an interesting idea, I thought I should prove it couldn't work.I did some simple calculations, and only then began to feel Luca could be right." Now Stoneham and his co-workers have done the job more thoroughly, in a paper soon to be published in Physical Review Letter...
通常,人们思考问题都是从真前提进而得到真结论,在创造和创新活动中,一般都要经过由假前提寻求真结论的思维过程。 英文解释 adj. 1.accepted as real or true without proof 2.taken as your right without justification 3.adopted in order to deceive