从算法的步骤可以看出,Aprior算法每轮迭代都要扫描数据集,因此在数据集很大,数据种类很多的时候,算法效率很低。 FP-Growth算法更进一步,通过将交易数据巧妙的构建出一颗FP树,然后在FP树中递归的对频繁项进行挖掘。 FP-Growth算法仅仅需要两次扫描数据库,第一次是统计每个商品的频次,用于剔除不满足最低支持度的商品,...
[课件]数据挖掘 8-association rule mining ©Wu Yangyang 1Outline Association rule mining (关联规则挖掘)A formal definition (形式化定义)Association rule classification (关联规则分类)Mining single-dimensional Boolean association rules (一维布尔型关联规则挖掘)Problems and solutions(问题与解决办法)
关联规则挖掘AssociationRuleMining背景简介 关联规则挖掘AssociationRuleMining 背景简介(Motivation) 超市购物:商场经理可能想了解顾客的购物习惯。例如:“顾客多半会在一次购物时买哪些商品?”。分析的结果可用于市场规划、广告策划和分类设计。文本分类:个性化新闻推荐系统希望对新闻进行分类,推进用户感兴趣类别的...
Little attention has been paid, however, on how to apply the association mining techniques to analyze questionnaire data. Therefore, this paper first identifies the various data types that may appear in a questionnaire. Then, we introduce the questionnaire data mining problem and define the rule ...
Mining association rules with multiple minimum supports is an important generalization of the association-rule-mining problem, which was recently proposed by Liu et al. Instead of setting a single minimum support threshold for all items, they allow users to specify multiple minimum supports to reflect...
Data Mining --- Association Rule Mining 一、基本概念 支持度:support(a→b)=P(ab) 置信度:confidence(a→b)=P(b|a)=P(ab)/P(a) 相关性:Lift(a→b)=P(ab)/P(a)P(b) 二、Aprior算法 *Partition:扫描两遍数据库 将数据分块,第一遍每块选出频繁集,第二遍找出全局频繁集。
Mining association rules with multiple minimum supports is an important generalization of the association-rule-mining problem, which was recently proposed by Liu et al. Instead of setting a single minimum support threshold for all items, they allow users to specify multiple minimum supports to reflect...
频繁项集: support(A) >= min_sup(最小支持度), 则A为频繁项集. 关联规则A=>B: 若A, B是项集,且A∩B为空 项目集A∪B的支持度称为关联规则A=>B的支持度, 即 support(A=>B) = support(A∪B) 关联规则A=>B的置信度c: D中含有A中的事务的c%, 也含有B. 即confidence(A=>B)=support(A...
Analysis of sampling techniques for association rule mining In this paper, we present a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the sampling technique for the association rule mining problem. Most of the previous works have concentrated only on the empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of sampl... ...